


Docker container for IPNI Index Provider to run as a sidecar with IPFS nodes backed by Storj datastore.

Run With Docker

docker run --rm -d \
    --network host \
    -e PROVIDER_DIRECT_ANNOUNCE_URLS='["https://cid.contact/ingest/announce"]'
    -e PROVIDER_KUBO_ID=<peer_id>
    -e PROVIDER_KUBO_ADDRS='["/ip4/<ip4_addr>/tcp/4001","/ip4/<ip4_addr>/udp/4001/quic","/ip6/<ip6_addr>/tcp/4001","/ip6/<ip6_addr>/udp/4001/quic"]'

Docker images are published to https://hub.docker.com/r/storjlabs/ipfs-index-provider.

PROVIDER_SERVER_PORT must be set to the port number the index provider will listen for incoming request from IPNI indexers to download available advertisements.

PROVIDER_ROUTING_PORT must be set to the port number the index provider will listen for IPFS nodes to advertise their content.

PROVIDER_IDENTITY_PEER_ID can be set optionally to preserve the node identity between runs. The current peer ID can be found under Identity.PeerID in the config file.

PROVIDER_IDENTITY_PRIVATE_KEY must be set if PROVIDER_IDENTITY_PEER_ID is set, and the provided private key must match the peer ID. The current private key can be found under Identity.PrivKey in the config file.

PROVIDER_DIRECT_ANNOUNCE_URLS must be set to the list of ingest HTTP URLs of IPNI indexers to directly announce for new advertisements.

PROVIDER_KUBO_ID must be set to the peer ID of the IPFS (Kubo) node which this index provider is providing advertisements for.

PROVIDER_KUBO_ADDRS must be set to the list of public addresses of the IPFS (Kubo) node which this index provider is providing advertisements for.