

<b>uplink-python binding</b>

Codacy Badge

Developed using v1.2.2 storj/uplink-c

API documentation and tutorial

<b>Initial Set-up (Important)</b>

NOTE: for Golang

Make sure your PATH includes the $GOPATH/bin directory, so that your commands can be easily used Refer: Install the Go Tools:

export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin

Depending on your operating system, you will need to install:

On Unix

On macOS

On Windows

<b>Binding Set-up</b>

Please ensure you have Python 3.x and pip installed on your system. If you have Python version 3.4 or later, pip is included by default. uplink-python does not support Python 2.x.

$ python get-pip.py

Option 1

Install uplink-python python package with --no-cache-dir tag if re-installing or upgrading from the previous version, otherwise, the tag can be ignored (using Terminal/Powershell/CMD as Administrator):

$ pip install --no-cache-dir uplink-python

Note: If Administrator privilege is not granted to the terminal/cmd, the libuplinkc.so build process may fail.

Option 2

Follow these steps to set-up binding manually or if libuplinkc.so fails to build using Option 1.

$ pip install uplink-python
$ git clone -b v1.2.2 https://github.com/storj/uplink-c
$ cd uplink-c
$ go build -o libuplinkc.so -buildmode=c-shared
  1. Switch to 64-bit python
  2. Set appropriate GO environment variables GOOS and GOARCH (details) and compile uplink-c

<b>Project Set-up</b>

To include uplink in your project, import the library, by using the following command:

from uplink_python.uplink import Uplink

Create an object of Uplink class to access all the functions of the library. Please refer to the sample hello_storj.py file, for example.

variable_name = Uplink()

To use various parameters such as ListBucketsOptions, ListObjectsOptions, Permissions, etc you would require to import them first from module_classes i.e. uplink_python.module_classes.

from uplink_python.module_classes import DownloadOptions, Permission

To use various user-defined Storj Exceptions such as InternalError, BucketNotFoundError, etc you would require to import them first from errors i.e. uplink_python.errors.

from uplink_python.errors import InternalError, BucketNotFoundError

<b>Sample Hello Storj!</b>

File hello_storj.py can be found in the folder where the Python package was installed.

The sample hello_storj.py code calls the uplink.py file and imports the Uplink binding class to do the following:

<b>Run Unit Test Cases on Local</b>

Directory with unit test cases test can be found in the uplink-python repository.

To run the test cases on a local system, you need to perform the following steps:


For more information on function definations and diagrams, check out the Detail or jump to: