

<div align="center"><img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/58886915/166198400-c2134044-1198-4647-a8b6-da9c4a204c68.svg" width="40"/> </br>Pingvin Share</div>

Pingvin Share is a self-hosted file sharing platform and an alternative for WeTransfer.

✨ Features

🐧 Get to know Pingvin Share

<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/58886915/225038319-b2ef742c-3a74-4eb6-9689-4207a36842a4.png" width="700"/>

⌨️ Setup

Installation with Docker (recommended)

  1. Download the docker-compose.yml file
  2. Run docker compose up -d

The website is now listening on http://localhost:3000, have fun with Pingvin Share 🐧!

[!TIP] Checkout Pocket ID, a user-friendly OIDC provider that lets you easily log in to services like Pingvin Share using Passkeys.

📚 Documentation

For more installation options and advanced configurations, please refer to the documentation.

🖤 Contribute

We would love it if you want to help make Pingvin Share better! You can either help to translate Pingvin Share or contribute to the codebase.

❤️ Sponsors

Thank you for supporting Pingvin Share 🙏