


As you probably noticed, Scotty.js is not active anymore. Working on Scotty.js was fun, but AWS released AWS Amplify in the meantime, and tools such as Scotty.js are no longer needed. Please take a look at the AWS Amplify Console. It's an excellent tool for hosting static websites and single-page applications.

Deploy static websites or folders to AWS S3 with a single command

<h1 align="center"> <img width="400" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stojanovic/scottyjs/master/scotty-header.png" alt="scotty header"> <br/> </hr>

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Scotty.js is available on NPM. Install it as a global dependency to be able to use scotty command anywhere:

npm install scottyjs --global


Beam me up, Scotty

To deploy a static folder to AWS S3 run:

scotty {options}


beam-me-up {options}

Available options


Create React App application

Full tutorial: http://medium.com/@slobodan/single-command-deployment-for-single-page-apps-29941d62ef97

To deploy CRA apps simply run npm run build in your project root folder to create build version.

Then deploy build version using following command:

scotty --spa --source ./build

Or, if you want to specify bucket name run:

scotty --spa --source ./build --bucket some-bucket-name

With --spa flag, Scotty will set required redirects for your single page app, so your app can use pushState out of the box.

Shared bucket application

To deploy multiple apps to a single bucket you can make use of the --prefix option. This comes in handy when your CI system deploys to a staging system with each branch as a pathname. Eg. the master branch should go to bucket root (/), so you do not set the prefix. The feature/fancy-stuff branch should go to the bucket path feature/fancy-stuff so just add this as the prefix. Here comes a command line example:

# deploy your master branch build to bucket root
scotty --source ./build --bucket some-bucket-name
# deploy your branch build to the branch name on the bucket
scotty --source_ ./build --bucket some-bucket-name --prefix your/branch


We use Jasmine for unit and integration tests. Unless there is a very compelling reason to use something different, please continue using Jasmine for tests. The existing tests are in the spec folder. Here are some useful command shortcuts:

Run all the tests:

npm test

Run only some tests:

npm test -- filter=prefix

Get detailed hierarchical test name reporting:

npm test -- full
