


This app allows users to add comments and photos to locations on a map.

Getting Started


The following steps use the Appwrite CLI to set up Appwrite.

  1. Create the project via the Appwrite Admin Console
    • ID: places
    • Name: Places
  2. Copy the appwrite.json.default to appwrite.json
  3. Deploy the collections
    1. echo a | appwrite deploy collection
  4. Create an API Key
    1. appwrite projects createKey --projectId places --name "Places Functions" --scopes documents.read documents.write files.read files.write
    2. Take note of the secret
  5. Deploy the functions
    1. Update variables in the appwrite.json:
      1. APPWRITE_FUNCTION_ENDPOINT - your HTTPS Appwrite endpoint
      2. APPWRITE_FUNCTION_API_KEY - the secret from the previous step
    2. Compile each of the functions in the appwrite-functions folder:
      1. Go into the function folder
      2. Run npm i && npm run build
    3. Go back up to the folder with appwrite.json and deploy all the functions:
      1. echo a | appwrite deploy function
  6. Create the storage buckets
    1. appwrite storage createBucket --bucketId photo-uploads --name "Photo Uploads" --fileSecurity true --permissions 'create("users")' --enabled true --maximumFileSize 5000000 --encryption true --antivirus true --allowedFileExtensions jpg png heic jpeg
    2. appwrite storage createBucket --bucketId photos --name "Photos" --fileSecurity false --permissions 'read("any")' --enabled true --maximumFileSize 5000000 --encryption true --antivirus true --allowedFileExtensions jpg png heic jpeg

Places App

  1. Copy the .env to .env.local
  2. Fill in the values in .env.local
  3. Start the app:
    1. npm i && npm start