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The Sprocket Visual Studio Code extension is currently in very early development. You may also experience various issues, such as needing to manually restart the Sprocket extension if it crashes. We plan to improve all of these things as we continue to develop the extension.

🏠 Overview

This extension provides support developing bioinformatics workflows via the <a href="https://openwdl.org/">Workflow Description Language</a>. It does this by leveraging the sprocket command line tool (and the wdl family of crates).

📚 Getting Started

To get started, follow the instructions outlined in the documentation.

🎨 Features

Note: more features will be added as sprocket is developed. Please check out the activity on the Sprocket repository to see what we're working on next!


The extension provides the following configuration options:

Known Issues



To build the extension, Node.js, npm, and yarn must be installed.

To install Node.js, follow these instructions.

To install yarn, run the following command:

npm install -g yarn

Finally, install the project dependencies by running the following command:

yarn install

Ensure the Yarn binaries directory is on your path by adding the following to your shell profile:

export PATH="$(yarn global bin):$PATH"


To build the extension, run the following command:

yarn compile

This command will automatically be run when you start the extension in the development environment or when packaging the extension.

Running The Development Extension

To run the extension, open this directory in VS Code and press F5.

This will open a new VS Code window with the extension automatically loaded.

Installing The Extension

To install the extension, you can package it as a .vsix file and install it.

To package the extension, install the vsce tool:

yarn global add @vscode/vsce

Then package the extension by running:

vsce package --yarn

This will generate a sprocket-vscode-<version>.vsix file that you can install in VS Code using the Extensions: install from VSIX command.

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check issues page.

📝 License

This project is licensed as either Apache 2.0 or MIT at your discretion.

Copyright © 2024-Present St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.