dmenu - dynamic menu
dmenu is an efficient dynamic menu for X.
In order to build dmenu you need the Xlib header files.
Edit to match your local setup (dmenu is installed into the /usr/local namespace by default).
Afterwards enter the following command to build and install dmenu (if necessary as root):
make clean install
Running dmenu
See the man page for details.
Usage: dmenu [OPTION]...
Display newline-separated input stdin as a menubar
-e, --echo display text from stdin with no user
-ec, --echo-centre same as -e but align text centrally
-er, --echo-right same as -e but align text right
-et, --echo-timeout SECS close the message after SEC seconds
when using -e, -ec, or -er
-b, --bottom dmenu appears at the bottom of the screen
-h, --height N set dmenu to be N pixels high
-i, --insensitive dmenu matches menu items case insensitively
-l, --lines LINES dmenu lists items vertically, within the
given number of lines
-m, --monitor MONITOR dmenu appears on the given Xinerama screen
-p, --prompt PROMPT prompt to be displayed to the left of the
input field
-po, --prompt-only PROMPT same as -p but don't wait for stdin
useful for a prompt with no menu
-r, --return-early return as soon as a single match is found
-fn, --font-name FONT font or font set to be used
-nb, --normal-background COLOR normal background color
#RGB, #RRGGBB, and color names supported
-nf, --normal-foreground COLOR normal foreground color
-sb, --selected-background COLOR selected background color
-sf, --selected-foreground COLOR selected foreground color
-v, --version display version information