


Build Status

screen shot 2017-12-12 at 14 52 51


it's only Angular! No jQuery or other WYSIWYG monsters

Angular Support (older than the latest version)

For Angular 16 ngx-wig@16.0.0

For Angular 15 ngx-wig@15.1.4

For Angular 14 ngx-wig@14.0.7

For Angular 13 ngx-wig@13.1.6



Icons are not in the pack! You can use the icons that you like. We recommend to use Material Design Icons

If you do not want to use a full icons set, you can use these steps:

  1. go to icons set
  2. choose the icon that you want, press the right mouse button on it, and then select the "View SVG" option
  3. go to URL-encoder for SVG and use it to convert your SVG


ngx-wig could be simply installed via npm:

npm install ngx-wig


First, import the ngx-wig to your module:

import {NgxWigModule} from 'ngx-wig';

  imports: [ NgxWigModule ]

it's just an attribute directive for textarea:

<link href="https://cdn.materialdesignicons.com/2.1.19/css/materialdesignicons.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<ngx-wig [content]="text1"></ngx-wig>


Quick start ( demo )

<ngx-wig [content]="text1"></ngx-wig>

Placeholder ( demo )

<ngx-wig [content]="text1" [placeholder]="'Enter instructions here.'"></ngx-wig>

ngModel sync ( demo )

<ngx-wig [(ngModel)]="text1"></ngx-wig>
<ngx-wig [(ngModel)]="text1"></ngx-wig>

Set buttons ( demo )

<ngx-wig [content]="text1" [buttons]="'bold, italic'"></ngx-wig>

onContentChange Hook ( demo )

<ngx-wig [content]="text1" (contentChange)="result = $event"></ngx-wig>
<div [innerHTML]="result"></div>

Reactive FormControl ( demo )

<ngx-wig [formControl]="text1"></ngx-wig>

Adding own buttons

Please check an example here https://stackblitz.com/edit/ngx-wig-sample-plugins?file=src/app.ts

Filtering/removing extra styles on paste ( demo )

providers: [{ provide: NgxWigFilterService, useClass: NgxWigFilterStylesService}]


To generate all *.js, *.d.ts and *.metadata.json files:

$ npm run build

To lint all *.ts files:

$ npm run lint

To run all tests:

$ npm run test


MIT © Stepan Suvorov