

<h1>Do you like Pomosh? If you like, <a href="https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pomosh/id1515791898?ls=1" target="_blank">Please consider support !</a> </h1> <div align="center"> <img src="https://imgur.com/qcyQcIV.png" width="200" height="200" /> <h1><strong>🍅 Pomosh</strong> • Pomodoro technique asistant •</h1> </div> <br> <p align="center"> <a href="https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pomosh/id1515791898?ls=1" target="_blank"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stevenselcuk/Pomosh-macOS/master/demo.gif" height="420" alt="Pomosh" title="Pomosh | Pomodoro technique asistant" /></a> </p>

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Looking for iOS version repo? stevenselcuk/Pomosh-iOS-watchOS

About 🍅 Pomosh

Is it the first time remote working? Or are you tired of distraction at home in these COVID-19 days? Pomosh can help you fight against procrastination and distraction.

Is it the first time remote working? Or are you tired of distraction at home in these COVID-19 days? Pomosh can help you fight against procrastination and distraction.

How to:

A working block and a break count as a cycle. A Cycle with a 25-minute working & 5-minute break is a good starting point for newbies. How many cycles do you need in a day? It depends on your workload. It's time hustle. Create a new session and follow working/break cycles while working. Pomosh will help you focus.

Main Features:

See website for details

Requirements 🤔

MacOS 10.15

Download 🚀

Roadmap 🗺

Change log 🧠

🏷 v1.0.6 : Improve the performance.

🏷 v1.0.5 : Option for disabling menubar timer

🏷 v1.0.4 : Option for disabling menubar timer

🏷 v1.0.3 : New functions & more Big Sur

🏷 v1.0.2

🏷 v1.0.1

🏷 v1.0 : Initial Release

Notes and Credits 🍍

Special thanks for her feedback to Heval Hazal Kurt 🙌

Some of icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com