MoonTypes: A C-like typedef for Lua
MoonTypes is a Lua module that provides means to define C-like structured types in Lua.
It runs on GNU/Linux <!-- and on Windows (MSYS2/MinGW) --> and requires Lua (>=5.3) and LPeg.
Author: Stefano Trettel
MIT/X11 license (same as Lua). See LICENSE.
See the Reference Manual.
Getting and installing
Setup the build environment as described here, then:
$ git clone
$ cd moontypes
moontypes$ make
moontypes$ sudo make install
The example below shows the basic usage of MoonTypes.
Other examples can be found in the examples/ directory.
-- MoonTypes example: hello.lua
local types = require("moontypes")
-- Create a new group of types:
local group =
-- Add some type definitions to it:
-- these are just aliases of primitive types:
typedef char mychar
typedef int myint
-- a structured type:
typedef struct {
boolean b
myint i
mychar c[6]
double d
} mystruct
-- Create an instance of the type mystruct:
local x = group:new('mystruct')
-- Some prints...
x:print() --> mystruct ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
print(x) --> mystruct ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
x:print('c') --> mystruct.c ? ? ? ? ? ?
print(group:sizeof('mystruct')) --> 9 2 10 struct{ ... }
print(x:sizeof()) --> 9 2 10 struct{ ... }
print(#x) --> 10 (the size + 1 for the type name)
-- Write some fields:
x:set('b', true)
x:set('i', 123)
x:set('c', 10, 20, 30)
x:set('d', 1.0e20)
-- Read (and print) some fields:
print(x:get('*')) --> mystruct true 123 10 20 30 ? ? ? 1e+20
print(x:get('b')) --> true
print(x:get('i')) --> 123
print(x:get('c.1')) --> 10
print(x:get('c.6')) --> ?
print(x:get('c')) --> 10 20 30 ? ? ?
The script can be executed at the shell prompt with the standard Lua interpreter:
$ lua hello.lua