

MoonAssimp: Lua bindings for Assimp

MoonAssimp is a Lua binding library for the Open Asset Import Library.

It runs on GNU/Linux and on Windows (MSYS2/MinGW) and requires Lua (>=5.3) and Assimp (>=3.0).

Authored by: Stefano Trettel

Lua logo


MIT/X11 license (same as Lua). See LICENSE.


See the Reference Manual.

Getting and installing

Setup the build environment as described here, then:

$ git clone https://github.com/stetre/moonassimp
$ cd moonassimp
moonassimp$ make
moonassimp$ make install # or 'sudo make install' (Ubuntu)


The script below loads a scene from a 3D model file and prints the names of all the nodes it contains:

-- MoonAssimp example: printnodenames.lua

ai = require("moonassimp")

filename = arg[1]
if not filename then print("Usage: " .. arg[0] .. " <modelfile>") return end

function print_node_names(node, indent) -- recursively prints the names of child nodes
   local indent = indent or "  "
   for _, child in ipairs(node:children()) do
      print(indent .. (child:name() or "???"))
      print_node_names(child, indent .. "  ")

-- Import the scene from the model file:
scene, errmsg = ai.import_file(filename, "triangulate", "join identical vertices", "sort by p type")
-- Check that nothing went wrong:
assert(scene, errmsg) 
-- Get the root node and print the names of the nodes:
root = scene:root_node()

The script can be executed at the shell prompt with the standard Lua interpreter, passing it a 3D model filename, e.g.:

$ lua printnodenames.lua mymodel.dae

Other examples can be found in the examples/ directory.

See also