

Created by Stephen McDonald


Grillode is A web-based chat application written in CoffeeScript for Node.js. It is BSD licensed.

Due to web sockets and Node's evented model, the Grillode server should be able to handle thousands of real-time users simultaneously.

A demo can be found at http://chat.jupo.org.


Grillode is available in source form on both Github and Bitbucket. Grillode also makes use of the following libraries which can be installed using NPM.

With Node.js and NPM installed, you can install all of the above dependencies by running the following command from within the Grillode directory:

$ npm install .

You can then run the Grillode server by running the following command from within the Grillode directory, with an optional port number:

$ coffee server.coffee 8000

To allow the server to continue to run detached from the terminal session, you can run the same command using nohup:

$ nohup coffee server.coffee 8000 &

When running the server detached from the terminal session, you can shut the server down in one command with::

$ kill -9 `ps aux | grep server.coffee | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`


Grillode can operate in several modes to support different use cases:

Several settings found in the file settings.coffee can be used to control the modes described above, these are:

The following URLs are provided which cater for the various modes described: