

JVRC humanoid robot model

<img src="https://scaron.info/images/jvrc1-model.png" width="250" align="right" />

This package contains the robot description for the JVRC-1 model, a virtual humanoid robot released for education and research.


The model files in this repository come from mc_rtc_data, a collection of robot and environment models distributed with the mc_rtc framework. The JVRC-1 model was initially created in VRML format at jvrc/model and converted to URDF using simtrans.

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Feel free to open a PR to share what you have done with this model.

2019Docker image of a walking controller in simulation — Snapshot of a whole-body controller used on the HRP-4 humanoid to walk and climb stairs. This image includes a fully functional build and simulation environment where you can try the controller on the JVRC model.<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1189580/69481155-04de3500-0e52-11ea-91cc-02d05d504ffa.png" width="250">
2016Task-based inverse kinematics in Python — A whole-body inverse kinematics based on the weight-prioritized multi-task framework. Tasks include foot-surface contacts, center of mass or centroidal momentum control. Depends on OpenRAVE.<img src="https://scaron.info/images/weighted-issue.png" width="250">