


CI Documentation Status License

NOTE: This is a community fork of xdspacelab/openvslam. It was created to continue active development of OpenVSLAM on Jan 31, 2021. The original repository is no longer available. Please read the official statement of termination carefully and understand it before using this. The similarities with ORB_SLAM2 in the original version have been removed by #252. If you find any other issues with the license, please point them out. See #37 and #249 for discussion so far.

Versions earlier than 0.3 are deprecated. If you use them, please use them as a derivative of ORB_SLAM2 under the GPL license.


<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stella-cv/docs/main/docs/img/teaser.png" width="640px">

<img src="https://j.gifs.com/81m1QL.gif" width="640px">


stella_vslam is a monocular, stereo, and RGBD visual SLAM system.


The notable features are:

One of the noteworthy features of stella_vslam is that the system can deal with various type of camera models, such as perspective, fisheye, and equirectangular. If needed, users can implement extra camera models (e.g. dual fisheye, catadioptric) with ease. For example, visual SLAM algorithm using equirectangular camera models (e.g. RICOH THETA series, insta360 series, etc) is shown above.

We provided documentation for installation and tutorial. The repository for the ROS wrapper is stella_vslam_ros.


OpenVSLAM is based on an indirect SLAM algorithm with sparse features, such as ORB-SLAM/ORB-SLAM2, ProSLAM, and UcoSLAM. The core architecture is based on ORB-SLAM/ORB-SLAM2 and the code has been redesigned and written from scratch to improve scalability, readability, performance, etc. UcoSLAM has implemented the parallelization of feature extraction, map storage and loading earlier. ProSLAM has implemented a highly modular and easily understood system earlier.


Some code snippets to understand the core functionalities of the system are provided. You can employ these snippets for in your own programs. Please see the *.cc files in ./example directory or check Simple Tutorial and Example.


Please see Installation chapter in the documentation.

The instructions for Docker users are also provided.


Please see Simple Tutorial chapter in the documentation.

A sample ORB vocabulary file can be downloaded from here. Sample datasets are also provided at here.

If you would like to run visual SLAM with standard benchmarking datasets (e.g. KITTI Odometry dataset), please see SLAM with standard datasets section in the documentation.


Please contact us via GitHub Discussions if you have any questions or notice any bugs about the software.

Currently working on

The higher up the list, the higher the priority. Feedbacks, feature requests, and contribution are welcome!


2-clause BSD license (see LICENSE)

The following files are derived from third-party libraries.

Please use g2o as the dynamic link library because csparse_extension module of g2o is LGPLv3+.

Authors of the original version of OpenVSLAM

Citation of original version of OpenVSLAM

OpenVSLAM won first place at ACM Multimedia 2019 Open Source Software Competition.

If OpenVSLAM helps your research, please cite the paper for OpenVSLAM. Here is a BibTeX entry:

  author = {Sumikura, Shinya and Shibuya, Mikiya and Sakurada, Ken},
  title = {{OpenVSLAM: A Versatile Visual SLAM Framework}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Multimedia},
  series = {MM '19},
  year = {2019},
  isbn = {978-1-4503-6889-6},
  location = {Nice, France},
  pages = {2292--2295},
  numpages = {4},
  url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/3343031.3350539},
  doi = {10.1145/3343031.3350539},
  acmid = {3350539},
  publisher = {ACM},
  address = {New York, NY, USA}

The preprint can be found here.
