


An revamped and optimised version of OneRuleToRuleThemAll.

OneRuleToRuleThemStill now has a 5% ~6.9% reduction in rules (52,000 down to 49,465 48,414) with 0% performance loss against the Lifeboat and LastFM data breaches.


More detail can be found in the blog: https://in.security/2023/01/10/oneruletorulethemstill-new-and-improved/

<h2>Credits</h2> As well as several default hashcat rules (including generated2 by https://github.com/evilmog), the following non-default rule sets were used in testing to create the original rule:

The tool https://github.com/mhasbini/duprule assisted during development.

Many thanks to https://github.com/hashcat/hashcat and it's team for their continual great work.

<h2>License</h2> Individual rules used will use their respective licenses if present. Additional custom rules are MIT licensed.