

Statsd Mesos Kafka Framework


Install go 1.5 (or higher) http://golang.org/doc/install

Install godep https://github.com/tools/godep

Clone and build the project

For go 1.5:


In go 1.6 and higher, vendoring works by default.

# git clone git@github.com:elodina/statsd-mesos-kafka.git
# cd statsd-mesos-kafka
# godep restore
# go build .
# go build cli.go


Statsd framework ships with command-line utility to manage schedulers and executors:

# ./cli -help
    help: show this message
    scheduler: configure and start scheduler
    start: start statsd server
    stop: stop statsd server
    update: update configuration
    status: get current status of cluster
More help you can get from ./cli <command> -h

Scheduler Configuration

The scheduler is configured through the command line.

# ./cli scheduler <options>

Following options are available:

-master="": Mesos Master addresses.
-api="": Binding host:port for http/artifact server. Optional if SM_API env is set.
-user="": Mesos user. Defaults to current system user.
-log.level="info": Log level. trace|debug|info|warn|error|critical. Defaults to info.
-framework.name="statsd-kafka": Framework name.
-framework.role="*": Framework role.

Starting and Stopping a Server

# ./cli start|stop <options>

Options available:

-api="": Binding host:port for http/artifact server. Optional if SM_API env is set.

Updating Server Preferences

# ./cli update <options>

Following options are available:

-api="": Binding host:port for http/artifact server. Optional if SM_API env is set.
-producer.properties="": Producer.properties file name.
-topic="": Topic to produce data to.
-transform="": Transofmation to apply to each metric. none|avro|proto
-schema.registry.url="": Avro Schema Registry url for transform=avro