Expand a date into all the various representations of its constituent components, like 4-digit year, 2-digit year, month, two-digit month and so on. All strftime formats are included, and more. Use when you need serialized dates in logic-less templates.
Install with npm install date-expand
var expandDate = require('date-expand');
var date = new Date()
Or monkey-patch instead:
Object.defineProperty(Date.prototype, 'expand', {value: require('date-expand')});
var date = new Date()
Both will return an object containing various ways of representing that date:
{ human: 'Tue Sep 02 2014 11:10:51 GMT+0200 (CEST)',
datetime: '2014-09-02 09:10:51',
date: '2014-09-02',
time: '09:10:51',
clock: '09:10',
iso: '2014-09-02T09:10:51.299Z',
year: 2014,
month: 9,
day: 3,
hours: 11,
minutes: 10,
seconds: 51,
milliseconds: 299,
timestamp: 1409649051299,
unix: 1409649051,
offset: -120,
a: 'Tue',
A: 'Tuesday',
b: 'Sep',
B: 'September',
c: 'c',
C: '20',
d: '02',
D: '09/02/14',
e: ' 2',
F: '2014-09-02',
g: 'g',
G: 'G',
h: 'Sep',
H: '11',
I: '11',
j: '245',
m: '09',
M: '10',
n: '\n',
p: 'AM',
r: '11:10:51 AM',
R: '11:10',
S: '51',
t: '\t',
T: '11:10:51',
u: '2',
U: '35',
V: 'V',
w: '2',
W: '35',
x: 'x',
X: 'X',
y: '14',
Y: '2014',
z: '+0200',
Z: 'CEST' }