

Ada BFD Library

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The Ada-BFD is a library which provides Ada API for GNU Binutils BFD library. It works on any version of GNU Binutils (starting at 2.15). The recommended version for GNU Binutils is at least the 2.39.

The Ada-BFD library allows to:

The Ada BFD library is distributed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2 (see COPYING).

The unit tests used by Ada BFD use the Ada Util and Ada Test Util libraries distributed under the Apache License Version 2 (see testutil/LICENSE.txt). They also use the Ahven Unit Test Library distributed under the ISC license (see testutil/LICENSE.Ahven). These unit test libraries are not installed.

Version 1.3.0 - Aug 2023

List all versions

Installing and compiling Ada BFD

To compile Ada BFD you'll need:

sudo apt-get install binutils-dev libiberty-dev

On NetBSD 9.2, you need to install by using:

sudo pkg_add binutils
sudo pkg_add gettext-lib
sudo pkg_add libiberty

Run the GNU configure command and build the library:

make check

You can install the library by using:

make install

Build with Alire

You can also build the Ada BFD library with Alire by using (but the dependency to the binutils-dev is not handled by the crate):

alr build

Compiling the Ada BFD samples

Several samples are provided to show how to use the Ada BFD library. To build them, use:

make samples
ExampleUsage exampleDescription
bfdinfo./bin/bfdinfo ./bin/bfdgenOpen BFD file, get flags, list sections and symbols
sections./bin/sections ./bin/bfdgenDisplay the ELF sections with the Bfd.Sections
symbol./bin/symbol ./bin/bfdgen mainRead the symbol table with Bfd.Symbols
disassemble./bin/disassemble ./bin/bfdgenDisassemble the text section with Bfd.Disassemble

Projects using Ada BFD

