

Ada Server Faces

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Ada Server Faces allows to create web applications using the same pattern as the Java Server Faces (See JSR 252, JSR 314 and JSR 344).

It is part of Ada Web Application framework.

To build ASF, you will need:

Version 1.6.0 - Aug 2023

List all versions

Build with Alire

alr with serverfaces

If you want to use the Ada Server Faces library in a web server, you must choose a servlet web container that will handle the requests. Two web server implementations are provided:

and you should run one of the following alr command depending on your choice:

alr with servletada_aws
alr with servletada_ews

Build with configure

Build with the following commands:


The samples can be built using:

   make samples

The unit tests are built using and executed with:

   make test




The following tags are supported:

JSTLxmlns:c="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core"<c:set>, <c:if>, <c:choose>, <c:when>, <c:otherwise>
Faceletsxmlns:ui="http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets"ui:composition, ui:define, ui:decorate, ui:include, ui:insert, ui:param
JSF Corexmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core"<f:attribute>, <f:convertDateTime>, <f:converter>, <f:facet>, <f:metadata>, <f:param>, <f:selectItem>, <f:selectItems>, <f:validateLength>, <f:validateLongRange>, <f:validateRegex>, <f:validator>, <f:view>, <f:viewAction>, <f:viewParam>
JSF HTMLxmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html"<h:body>, <h:commandButton>, <h:form>, <h:head>, <h:inputFile>, <h:inputHidden>, <h:inputSecret>, <h:inputText>, <h:inputTextarea>, <h:list>, <h:message>, <h:messages>, <h:ouputFormat>, <h:outputLabel>, <h:outputLink>, <h:outputText>, <h:panelGroup>, <h:selectBooleanCheckbox>, <h:selectOneMenu>, <h:selectOneRadio>
Widgetxmlns:w="http://code.google.com/p/ada-asf/widget"<w:accordion>, <w:autocomplete>, <w:chosen>, <w:inputDate>, <w:inputText>, <w:gravatar>, <w:like>, <w:panel>, <w:tab>, <w:tabView>
Utilxmlns:util="http://code.google.com/p/ada-asf/util"util:escape, util:file, util:flush, util:script


Ada Server Faces integrates the Javascript library jQuery licensed under MIT or GPL (See https://jquery.org/license/).

Ada Server Faces integrates a generated version of 960 grid system licensed under MIT or GPL (See https://960.gs/ and https://grids.heroku.com/ for the CSS generator).