

#Nim-glm port for matrix-vector algebra with shader like syntax.

Nim-glm has vector constructors: Here's some examples

    v = vec3(1.0, 5.0, 6.0)
    a = vec3(2.0, 2.0, 5.0)
    v4 = vec4(v, 1.0)
    c = cross(v,a)
    m = rotate(mat4d(), 5.0, vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
    r = v4 * m

Also, this version has basics for common matrices creations:

    eye = vec3(50.0, 50.0, 10.0)
    center = vec3(0.0)
    up = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
    viewMatrix = lookAt(eye, center, up)
    projectionMat = perspective(math.PI/2, 1.0, 0.01, 100.0)

echo viewMatrix * projectionMat

Use it in OpenGL environment:

var modelView = mat4f(1)
  .rotate(alpha, n.x, n.y, n.z)

glUniformMatrix4fv(_uniformLocation, 1, false, modelView.caddr)

There is swizzling support:

var pos1,pos2: Vec4f
pos1.xyz = pos2.zww
pos1.yz += pos2.ww
var texcoord: Vec2f
echo texcoord.st
var color: Vec4f
color.rgb = color.bgr

matrices can be printed with echo, because they have the $ operator implemented. By default they use nice unicode characters for best visual representation. But if you have probmles with them, you can pass -d:noUnicode to the compiler and the $ functions will use a pure ASCII representation.

      ASCII            unicode

 / 3  7   3   0 \   ⎡3  7   3   0⎤
|  0  2  -1   1  |  ⎢0  2  -1   1⎥
|  5  4   3   2  |  ⎢5  4   3   2⎥
 \ 6  6   4  -1 /   ⎣6  6   4  -1⎦

perlin noise:

import glm/vec
import glm/noise

var line = newStringOfCap(80)
for y in 0 ..< 20:
  for x in 0 ..< 40:
    let n = perlin(vec2f(float32(x), float32(y)) * 0.1'f32)
    let i = int(floor((n + 1) * 5))
    line.add "  .:+=*%#@"[i]
  echo line

# expected output:
#  =+++:::::+======++++==*%%%%**==++++++++=
#  ===++::::++====++::++=*%%%%%*===++++:+++
#  ***=+::.::+====++:::+==*%%%%***==++:::::
#  ***=+:...:++===++:::++==**%%*****=++:...
#  **=+::...::+====++:::+++==********=+:.
#  *==+:....::+=====++:::::++==******=+:.
#  ==+:..  .::+=****=++:::::::+==*****=+:.
#  =+:..   .:++=*%%**=++::....:+==**%**=+:.
#  ++:.   ..:+=*%%%%**=+:..   .:+=**%%**=+:
#  ++:.   .::+=*%###%*=+::.   .:+==*%%%**=+
#  =+:..  .:+==*%###%*==+:.   .:+==*%%%%*==
#  =++:....:+=**%###%**=+:.    .:+=*%%#%%*=
#  ==+::..:++=*%%####%*=+:.    .:+=*%%#%%**
#  *==+:::++==*%%####%**=+:.   .:+==*%%%%**
#  **==++++==***%%##%%%**=+:....::+=*****==
#  %**======******%%%%%%**=+:....:++=***==+
#  ***===*****====****%%%*=+::...:++====+++
#  **===*****==++++==******=+::.::++====++:
#  *====*****=++:::++==****=+::::+++====++:
#  ==++==***==+::..::+======++::+++======++