

jCardSim (Official repo of the jCardSim project)

Congratulations! jCardSim has won Duke's Choice 2013 Award!

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Please note that we moved our code repository from Google Code to GitHub.

jCardSim is an open source simulator for Java Card, v.2.2/3.0.5:

Key Features:

// 1. create simulator
CardSimulator simulator = new CardSimulator();

// 2. install applet
AID appletAID = AIDUtil.create("F000000001");
simulator.installApplet(appletAID, HelloWorldApplet.class);

// 3. select applet

// 4. send APDU
CommandAPDU commandAPDU = new CommandAPDU(0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00);
ResponseAPDU response = simulator.transmitCommand(commandAPDU);

// 5. check response
assertEquals(0x9000, response.getSW());

JavaDoc: https://jcardsim.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/javadoc/index.html

Latest stable release 2.2.1: https://github.com/licel/jcardsim/raw/master/jcardsim-2.2.1-all.jar

Latest stable release 2.2.2: https://github.com/licel/jcardsim/raw/master/jcardsim-2.2.2-all.jar

Maven Central Repository


What is the difference from Oracle Java Card Development Kit simulator?

One of the main differences is the implementation of javacard.security.*: the current version is analogous to an NXP JCOP 31/36k card. For example, in jCardSim we have support for on-card KeyPair.ALG_EC_F2M/ALG_RSA_CRT key generation. Oracle's simulator only supports KeyPair.ALG_RSA and KeyPair.ALG_EC_FP, which are not supported by real cards.

jCardSim can work with class files without any conversions. This allows us to simplify and accelerate the development and writing of unit tests.

jCardSim has a simple and usable API, which also allows you to work with the simulator using javax.smartcardio.*.

jCardSim is completely written in Java and can therefore be used on all platforms which support Java (Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc).

How to help jCardSim?

License: Apache License 2.0

Third-party libraries: Legion of the Bouncy Castle Java

Trademarks: Oracle, Java and Java Card are trademarks of Oracle Corporation.