

Mapping natural language commands to web elements


Due to its large size, the data is hosted outside Github: https://nlp.stanford.edu/projects/phrasenode/

You can download the dataset by running the script as follows.

bash download_dataset.sh


The code was developed in the following environment:

To install dependencies:

Alternatively, use the docker image ppasupat/phrasenode For latest image: docker pull ppasupat/phrasenode:1.06

Quick start

If you just want to see something happen:

export WEBREP_DATA=./data
./main.py configs/base.txt configs/model/encoding.txt configs/node-embedder/allan.txt -n testrun


Here are the configerations used in the final experiments:

Note that the visual neighbor is off by default. To turn it on, use general/neighbors.txt.

Experiment management

All training runs are managed by the PhraseNodeTrainingRuns object. For example, to get training run #141, do this:

runs = PhraseNodeTrainingRuns()   # Note the final "s"
run = runs[141]  # a PhraseNodeTrainingRun object

A TrainingRun is responsible for constructing a model, training it, saving it and reloading it (see superclasses gtd.ml.TrainingRun and gtd.ml.TorchTrainingRun for details.)

The most important methods on PhraseNodeTrainingRun are:


Statistics are logged to TensorBoard. To view:

tensorboard --logdir=data/experiments

Demo Chrome extension


Panupong Pasupat, Tian-Shun Jiang, Evan Liu, Kelvin Guu, Percy Liang.
Mapping natural language commands to web elements.
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2018.

CodaLab: https://worksheets.codalab.org/worksheets/0x0097f249cd944284a81af331093c3579/