


A command-line tool and Python module to assign a property from one set of GeoJSON features to another

geo_assigner operates on two set of GeoJSON features: the sources and the targets. For each target, it copies a chosen property from all sources that intersect the target to the target.


Say you have a file trees.geojson containing the trees in your city and a file districts.geojson containing the city's districts. We'll assume that every tree has a property TreeID with a unique ID and that each district has a property DistrictName holding its name.

To add to each tree the name of the district it is located in:

geo_assigner districts.geojson trees.geojson DistrictName output.geojson

To add to each district a list of all IDs of its trees:

geo_assigner -s list trees.geojson districts.geojson TreeID output.geojson


pip install -e git+https://https://github.com/stadt-karlsruhe/geo_assigner.git#egg=geo_assigner


$ geo_assigner --help
usage: geo_assigner.py [-h] [--strategy {list,last}]
                       SOURCE TARGET PROPERTY OUTPUT

Assign a property from one set of GeoJSON features to another.

positional arguments:
  SOURCE                Source GeoJSON file
  TARGET                Target GeoJSON file
  PROPERTY              Property name
  OUTPUT                Output file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --strategy {list,last}, -s {list,last}
                        Conflict resolution strategy in case of multiple
                        matches. Can either be "last" (use the value of the
                        last match, default) or "list" (collect the values
                        from all matches).


Copyright (c) 2017, Stadt Karlsruhe (www.karlsruhe.de)

Distributed under the MIT license, see the file LICENSE for details.