stactools package for Sentinel-2 data.
pip install stactools-sentinel2
SAFE archive:
stac sentinel2 create-item tests/data-files/S2A_MSIL2A_20190212T192651_N0212_R013_T07HFE_20201007T160857.SAFE output/
AWS Open Data bucket sentinel-s2-l2a
stac sentinel2 create-item tests/data-files/S2A_OPER_MSI_L2A_TL_SGS__20181231T210250_A018414_T10SDG output/
Sentinel Hub metadata:
stac sentinel2 create-item --asset-href-prefix s3://sentinel-s2-l2a/tiles/34/L/BP/2022/4/1/0/ \ output
Note: this does not currently work with S3 buckets using requester-pays.
The flag --tolerance
can be set to a decimal value to define the simplification tolerance of the Item geometry.
This is a pass-through to the Shapely simplify method.
Install pre-commit hooks with:
pre-commit install
Run these pre-commit hooks with:
pre-commit run --all-files
Install the code in the local python env so your IDE can see it:
pip install -e .
Run the tests with:
pytest -vvv
If you change the STAC metadata output, you will need to re-create the test files with the following command:
python scripts/