



A stactools package for NOAA NClimGrid monthly and daily data covering the Continental United States (CONUS). The data consists of four variables:

The source monthly data is aggregated into four netCDF files, one for each variable, and dates back to 1895. Each monthly netCDF file is updated in place when data for a new month is available.

The source daily data is aggregated into monthly netCDF files, with one file for each of the four variables, and dates back to 1951. Daily data files are marked as either "prelim" or "scaled". The most recent data, i.e., the current month, is preliminary ("prelim") and the NetCDF files are updated in place as data for a new day is made available. Once the month is completed, the preliminary data is scaled to match the corresponding monthly values and a new "scaled" NetCDF file is made available.

STAC Examples


pip install stactools-noaa-nclimgrid

Command-line Usage


When using the command-line interface, COGs and Items are created for all months (monthly data) or all days in a month (daily data). Although four netCDF files are required to create a single Item (each netCDF contains data for one of the four variables), only a single HREF to one of the four netCDF files is required to create Items. The remaining three netCDFs are assumed to exist in the same directory as the specified HREF.

stac noaa-nclimgrid create-items <href to one netCDF file> <cog output directory> <item output directory>


A monthly or daily collection and corresponding COGs and Items can be created by adding netCDF HREFs to a text file. The COGs will be stored alongside the Items.

stac noaa-nclimgrid create-collection <text file path> <output directory>

For example, the monthly Collection, Items, and COGs found in the examples/monthly directory can be created with:

stac noaa-nclimgrid create-collection --nc-assets examples/file-list-monthly.txt examples


We use pre-commit to check any changes. To set up your development environment:

pip install -e .
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pre-commit install

To check all files:

pre-commit run --all-files

To run the tests:

pytest -vv