



Package to assist with conversion of gNATSGO data to cloud-optimized formats, and creation of associated STAC metadata.


STAC objects

Command-line usage

This package expects that you have downloaded and unpacked gNATSGO and gSSURGO state, territory, and CONUS geodatabases into a common directory, and have extracted the 10m map-unit-key raster from each state and territory geodatabase, and stored as a geotiff with the same base name, e.g. gNATSGO_AR.gdb and gNATSGO_AR.tif. For the following examples, it is assumed that these were unpacked into data/inputs and the converted assets will be stored in data/outputs/tables and data/outputs/tiles.

Combine tabular data across geodatabases and convert to parquet:

$ stac gnatsgo to-parquet data/inputs data/outputs/tables

Convert the state and territory rasters to tiled COGs:

$ stac gnatsgo tile data/inputs data/outputs/tiles

Create additional derived rasters for commonly mapped values provided in the gSSURGO valu1 table using the parquet tables and tiled COGs created above::

$ stac gnatsgo create-derived-rasters data/outputs/tables/valu1.parquet data/outputs/tiles/conus_*/mukey_conus_*.tif

Create STAC collection including collection-level table metadata:

$ stac gnatsgo create-collection examples/collection.json data/inputs

Create a STAC item from assets. This will accept either a single table's parquet file (with a .parquet extension), or a list of raster assets for a given tile:

$ stac gnatsgo create-item examples/chorizon.json data/outputs/tables/chorizon.parquet


$ stac gnatsgo create-item examples/conus_101445_1580705_265285_1416865.json data/outputs/tiles/conus_101445_1580705_265285_1416865/*.tif

Use stac gnatsgo --help to see all subcommands and options.