

Stacks Blockchain with Docker

License: GPL v3 Pull Requests Welcome

Run your own Stacks Blockchain node easily with just few commands.

⚠️ docker-compose version 2.2.2 or greater is required


git clone https://github.com/stacks-network/stacks-blockchain-docker && cd stacks-blockchain-docker
cp sample.env .env

Sync from genesis

./manage.sh -n mainnet -a start

Seed chainstate from Hiro Archiver

Using data from the Hiro Archiver service, this script will download the latest files, extract them and restore the postgres data.
Note: it can take a long time to process the data, and you'll need at a minimum roughly 150GB of free space

sudo ./scripts/seed-chainstate.sh
./manage.sh -n mainnet -a start

Accessing the services

For networks other than mocknet, downloading the initial headers can take several minutes.
Until the headers are downloaded, the /v2/info endpoints won't return any data.
Use the command ./manage.sh -n <network> -a logs to check the sync progress.


curl -sL localhost:20443/v2/info | jq


curl -sL localhost:3999/v2/info | jq

proxy (optional argument):

curl -sL localhost/v2/info | jq
curl -sL localhost/ | jq