

STAC API - Transaction Extension Specification <!-- omit in toc -->


The STAC API Transaction Extension adds support for the creation, modification, and deletion of items through POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE method requests. The behavior described here is based on the OGC API - Features transactions as specified in OGC API - Features - Part 4: Create, Replace, Update and Delete. The core OGC standard lays out the end points for transactions, without specifying any content types. For STAC we use STAC Item objects in our transactions, and those transaction must be done at the OGC API - Features endpoints, under /collections/{collectionId}/items.

Additionaly, the STAC API Transaction Extension supports optimistic locking through use of the ETag header.


PathContent-Type HeaderBodySuccess StatusDescription
POST /collections/{collectionId}/itemsapplication/jsonpartial Item or partial ItemCollection201, 202Adds a new item to a collection.
PUT /collections/{collectionId}/items/{featureId}application/jsonpartial Item200, 202, 204Updates an existing item by ID using a complete item description.
PATCH /collections/{collectionId}/items/{featureId}application/jsonpartial Item200, 202, 204Updates an existing item by ID using a partial item description.
DELETE /collections/{collectionId}/items/{featureId}n/an/a200, 202, 204Deletes an existing item by ID.


When the body is a partial Item:

When the body is a partial ItemCollection:

All cases:



PATCH is compliant with RFC 7386.