

Hydra: An Extensible Fuzzing Framework for Finding Semantic Bugs in File Systems



Hydra is a state-of-the-art fuzzing framework for file systems. It provides building blocks for file system fuzzing, including multi-dimensional input mutators, feedback engines, a libOS-based executor, and a bug reproducer with test case minimizer. Developers only need to focus on writing (or bringing in) a checker which defines the core logic for finding the types of bugs of their own interests. Along with the framework, this repository includes our in-house developed crash consistency checker (SymC3), with which 11 new crash consistency bugs were revealed from ext4, Btrfs, F2FS, and from two verified file systems: FSCQ and Yxv6.

This repository is provided under the terms of MIT license.


System requirements

Hydra requires Ubuntu 18.04. A compatibility issue is found in Ubuntu 20.04, and we are working on a fix.


1. All setup should be done under src

$ cd src

2. Install dependencies


3. Compile for each file system

$ make build-btrfs-imgwrp
$ make build-ext4-imgwrp
$ make build-f2fs-imgwrp
$ make build-xfs-imgwrp
$ mv lkl lkl-master # (pwd: proj_root/src)
$ git clone https://github.com/sslab-gatech/lkl-hydra.git lkl
$ cd lkl
$ git checkout v4.16-backport
$ ./compile -t btrfs
$ cd .. (pwd: proj_root/src)

4. Set up environments

$ sudo ./prepare_fuzzing.sh
$ ./prepare_env.sh

5. Run fuzzing (single / multiple instance)

$ ./run.py -t [fstype] -c [cpu_id] -l [tmpfs_id] -g [fuzz_group]

-t: choose from btrfs, f2fs, ext4, xfs
-c: cpu id to run this fuzzer instance
-l: tmpfs id to store logs (choose one from /tmp/mosbench/tmpfs-separate/)
-g: specify group id for parallel fuzzing, default: 0

e.g., ./run.py -t btrfs -c 4 -l 10 -g 1
Runs btrfs fuzzer, and pins the instance to Core #4.
Logs will be accumulated under /tmp/mosbench/tmpfs-separate/10/log/ .
[Terminal 1] ./run.py -t btrfs -c 1 -l 10 -g 1
[Terminal 2] ./run.py -t btrfs -c 2 -l 10 -g 1
[Terminal 3] ./run.py -t btrfs -c 3 -l 10 -g 1
[Terminal 4] ./run.py -t btrfs -c 4 -l 10 -g 1
// all btrfs bug logs will be under /tmp/mosbench/tmpfs-separate/10/log/

[Terminal 5] ./run.py -t f2fs -c 5 -l 11 -g 2
[Terminal 6] ./run.py -t f2fs -c 6 -l 11 -g 2
[Terminal 7] ./run.py -t f2fs -c 7 -l 11 -g 2
[Terminal 8] ./run.py -t f2fs -c 8 -l 11 -g 2
// all f2fs bug logs will be under /tmp/mosbench/tmpfs-separate/11/log/

6. Important note

It is highly encouraged that you use separate input, output, log directories for each file system, unless you are running fuzzers in parallel. If you reuse the same directories from previous testings of other file systems, it won't work properly.

7. Experiments

Please refer to EXPERIMENTS.md for detailed experiment information.
