


A browser client for the Scuttlebutt network

work in progress


Install Scuttlebot (your gossip server)

npm install scuttlebot@latest -g

# make sure you have secure-scuttlebutt@15.2.0
npm ls secure-scuttlebutt -g

sbot server
# if you are already running patchwork, that also works.
# (must have at least >= 2.8)

# then in another tab (these must be separate commands)
sbot plugins.install ssb-links
sbot plugins.install ssb-query
sbot plugins.install ssb-ws
sbot plugins.install ssb-fulltext # for faster searches (optional)

# restart sbot server (go back to previous tab and kill it)

Set a WebSocket port in your config file (~/.ssb/config).

  "ws": {
    "port": 8989

Install Patchlite (a browser interface for the your scuttlebutt database)

git clone https://github.com/ssbc/patchlite.git
cd patchlite
npm install

Make sure scuttlebot is allowing private connections. Stop any running sbot server, restart it with the --allowPrivate option and create a new modern invite:

sbot server --allowPrivate
sbot invite.create --modern

From inside the Patchlite repo folder, run:

npm start

This will build an html file at build/index.html and start a static file server on local port 8000.

Browse to http://localhost:8000# with your invite code appended on the end of the address. (#ws://localhost:8989...)

You should see a page load and then automatically refresh, that is the invite being consumed.

When you load the page again, you will be loading your feed from your local sbot over a WebSocket, it will take some time.

If you want to change your key or remote configuration, enter /config in the "location bar" (top-right text field).

