

<!-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Anders Rune Jensen SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 -->

Fusion Identity Spec v1 (DRAFT)

The fusion identity spec is a specification for how to relate multiple devices in such a way that they represent a new combined (fusion) identity. The primary purpose is an individual with multiple devices and thus multiple SSB identities. Only new members can be added to a fusion, there is no removal of members only tombstoning.

In the case where a fusion identity is tombstoned because a member is removed and another fusion must take its place, the concept of redirecting and attestations of these was considered. But instead of baking these concepts into the protocol in an initial version, we have decided to include them in an future version once we get more real world experience.

The string representation of a fusion id is: ssb:identity/fusion/<PUBLIC_KEY>


Out of scope for v1:


Alice has SSB installed on per laptop and installs a client on her phone. She wants one identity that links her two devices. Either device can do an init to create a new fusion identity. Lets assume laptop does. Then laptop invite phone to the identity. The phone consent the invite, after which laptop will entrust phone with the private key. Lastly phone posts a proof-of-key message announcing the possession of the key. At this point phone is now a member of the fusion identity and can invite other devices.

t   @laptop                                   @phone
-   ---------------------------------------   -----------------
1   init(@fuID)
2   enc(entrust(sk), [@laptop, @fuID])
3   invite(@phone)
4                                             %cID = consent(yes)
5   enc(entrust(sk, %cID), [@phone, @fuID])
6                                             proof-of-key(%cID, proof)

If Alice is at a party and looses her rooted phone on the way home. From this point on she tombstones the fusion identity to tell other peers not to send private messages to the fusion identity any longer as those messages might be read by a third party.

Fusion Identity Operations:


Start the new identity. This results in two messages: an init message and a key to self.

  type: 'fusion',
  subtype: 'fusion/init',
  id: 'ssb:identity/fusion/3h89vDLAcoi68wXZRZ2kVrXs0WT0vthGo9uW1XBPLhU=',
  members: {
    '@mmEKdNyVBtxQM3bwAVS8ujJvi/C1PR07tEQZVtyCp1c=.ed25519': 1
  tangles: {
    fusion: { root: null, previous: null }

DM key to self:

  type: 'fusion/entrust',
  secretKey: 'k4eUDLq4rzUvWRxYjVM8PE64DiU6tidLEn+5ERax3OnbO0IXQhe4yQAHom/lnGjrV+hIi3fvSHoG/UuIuuecvA==',
  rootId: '%ZxAJbfRTwhkhpD9viErN9zBzIEzrm6FTndaH/bEnbfI=.sha256',
  recps: [

secretKey is in base64.

To keep things simple the public encryption key for DMs is the same as the identity.

The author of the message is now the first member of the fusion identity.



Invite one or more feeds to join a fusion.

  type: 'fusion',
  subtype: 'fusion/invite',
  invited: {
    '@2Cu6gvifd39hHvE/HkT4M7dP5KY5CZ+AsYzM1w2mtT8=.ed25519': 1
  tangles: {
    fusion: {
      root: '%ZxAJbfRTwhkhpD9viErN9zBzIEzrm6FTndaH/bEnbfI=.sha256', // init
      previous: ['%ZxAJbfRTwhkhpD9viErN9zBzIEzrm6FTndaH/bEnbfI=.sha256'] // init



Respond to an invitation message.

For an accept:

  type: 'fusion',
  subtype: 'fusion/consent',
  consented: { 
    '@2Cu6gvifd39hHvE/HkT4M7dP5KY5CZ+AsYzM1w2mtT8=.ed25519': 1
  tangles: {
    fusion: {
      root: '%ZxAJbfRTwhkhpD9viErN9zBzIEzrm6FTndaH/bEnbfI=.sha256', // init
      previous: ['%1UFhwpETE+dR/3IiqXpMIxsh5ga6DsCj6if8Q0JMYAE=.sha256'] // invite

For a decline:

  type: 'fusion',
  subtype: 'fusion/consent',
  consented: { 
    '@2Cu6gvifd39hHvE/HkT4M7dP5KY5CZ+AsYzM1w2mtT8=.ed25519': 0
  tangles: {
    fusion: {
      root: '%ZxAJbfRTwhkhpD9viErN9zBzIEzrm6FTndaH/bEnbfI=.sha256', // init
      previous: ['%1UFhwpETE+dR/3IiqXpMIxsh5ga6DsCj6if8Q0JMYAE=.sha256'] // invite



Give secret key to someone that has consented an invite. This is similar to the message to sent self on fusion/init.

  type: 'fusion/entrust',
  secretKey: 'k4eUDLq4rzUvWRxYjVM8PE64DiU6tidLEn+5ERax3OnbO0IXQhe4yQAHom/lnGjrV+hIi3fvSHoG/UuIuuecvA==',
  rootId: '%ZxAJbfRTwhkhpD9viErN9zBzIEzrm6FTndaH/bEnbfI=.sha256',
  consentId: '%J0IY7Xxx6OqUr9HXlhIQGJoad+saCEOxkYlkkViY8Oc=.sha256',
  recps: [

secretKey is in base64.



proof-of-key / member

A way to publicly announce that you are in possession of private key and thus announce that you are now a member.

  type: 'fusion',
  subtype: fusion/proof-of-key,
  members: { 
    '@2Cu6gvifd39hHvE/HkT4M7dP5KY5CZ+AsYzM1w2mtT8=.ed25519': 1
  consentId: '%71lcX2CY306hlZQW1UtoZ0uODm/RurnGlc8mCCjwn7w=.sha256',
  proofOfKey: 'fqhDYLkijSEKhYD3nQziMcszCFVxBaIAEZuue+1RA/dhm14OgryVHOXK6fhwsdlrFzj58HWBPZUAjVz4zafYCQ==.sig.ed25519',
  tangles: {
    fusion: { 
      root: '%ZxAJbfRTwhkhpD9viErN9zBzIEzrm6FTndaH/bEnbfI=.sha256', // init
      previous: ['%71lcX2CY306hlZQW1UtoZ0uODm/RurnGlc8mCCjwn7w=.sha256'] // consent

proofOfKey must be signed by the entrusted fusion key as sign(%consentId + 'fusion/proof-of-key').



Nullify or revoke a fusion identity.

Given you have a shared private key, there is no easy way to "remove" a device from a fusion identity. Our solution is to "tombstone" identities and require that you mint a new fusion identity with the devices you trust.

  type: 'fusion',
  tombstone: { 
    set: { 
      date: 1641983852373, 
      reason: 'bye' 
  tangles: {
    fusion: {
      root: '%ZxAJbfRTwhkhpD9viErN9zBzIEzrm6FTndaH/bEnbfI=.sha256', // init
      previous: ['%Wo2vAn/LuCCDauDfbZEncCu/5eV/uuk2M1tIbT0DjC8=.sha256'] // proof-of-key




A flow diagram of what action can follow another. Please note that multiple invites can happen concurrently. The tangle structure keeps track of the state of the identity. After a tombstone, the only valid operation on the identity is attestation.

The <state> -> tombstone is left out in the list above because any state can lead to the tombstone state. Similarly <state> -> invite is also left out.

// identity tangle state changes
invite -> consent
invite -> attestation (deny)
consent -> entrust
entrust -> proof-of-key
tombstone -> attestation

Private messages

Private messages uses box2.

FIXME: precise definition. See https://github.com/ssbc/fusion-identity-spec/issues/6


Besides the operations operating directly on a fusion identity described above: init, invite, consent, entrust, proof-of-key, tombstone, the following operations can be useful:


Gets the current state of a fusion including the status of feeds such as invited, members, consented.


Which fusion identities have I been invited to and not yet responded to.


The current active fusion identies


All tombstoned fusion identies

Out of scope for v1

redirect operations

The purpose of redirects is to make it easy to point from a tombstoned record to it's replacement.

A redirect is an independant tangle. It is neither part of the old or new fusion identity. This means there is no causality between the old, the new and the redirect. Clearly the old and new needs to exist before a redirect can be created but there is no need for a redirect to be attested before the new identity can start inviting members.

  type: 'fusion/redirect',
  old: ssb:identity/fusion/id1,
  new: ssb:identity/fusion/id2,
  tangles: {
    redirect: {
      root: null,
      previous: null
  type: 'fusion/redirect',
  tombstone: {
  tangles: {
    redirect: {
      root,      // the root message of a fusion/redirect tangle

It might also be useful to have authenticated redirects.



Is the redirect valid?

  type: 'fusion/attestation',
  target: %redirectId,                    // static
  position: confirm|reject|null,
  reason: String,                         // optional
  tombstone: { reason }                   // optional
  tangles: {
    attestation: { root: null, previous: null }

Everyone who agrees with a redirect must attest it publicly because it makes it harder for an adversary to try and hide the fact that a identity have been revoked by withholding messages from a single feed.


// redirect tangle state changes
redirect -> attestation
redirect -> tombstone of redirect?
// attestation tangle state changs
attestation -> tombstone


Someone trying to add fake identities to a fusion just before posting a tombstone in order for them to appear to have the majority when it comes to redirecting.

Related work

SoK: Multi-Device Secure Instant Messaging


Ideas from that one:

