

What's this?

node-redis-monitor is a small web application to monitor your redis server. It plots the number of commands per seconds and the memory usage.

Setup on Heroku

We'll create another application NAME_OF_YOUR_MONITORING_APPto monitor another app OTHER_APP_USING_REDISwhich uses Redis To Go.

heroku apps:create --stack cedar NAME_OF_YOUR_MONITORING_APP

Then we configure the monitoring app with the redis url of the one to monitor.

./configure_heroku.sh PATH_TO_OTHER_APP_USING_REDIS

Some more configuration...

heroku config:add NODE_ENV=production

Now we can deploy to Heroku

git push heroku master

And see pretty graphs!

heroku open


node-redis-monitor is under MIT License. The file public/highchart.js comes from HighCharts v2.2.2.