

Advanced Analytics with Spark Source Code

Code to accompany Advanced Analytics with Spark, by Sandy Ryza, Uri Laserson, Sean Owen, and Josh Wills.

Advanced Analytics with Spark

3rd edition (current)

The source to accompany the 3rd edition is found in this, the default master branch.

2nd Edition (current)

The source to accompany the 2nd edition may be found in the 2nd-edition branch.

1st Edition

The source to accompany the 1st edition may be found in the 1st-edition branch.


Apache Maven 3.2.5+ and Java 8+ are required to build. From the root level of the project, run mvn package to compile artifacts into target/ subdirectories beneath each chapter's directory.

Running the Examples

# working directory should be your Apache Spark installation root
bin/spark-submit /path/to/code/aas/$CHAPTER/target/$CHAPTER-jar-with-dependencies-$VERSION.jar

Data Sets

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