

   _________  (_)___  _____
  / ___/ __ \/ / __ \/ ___/
 (__  ) / / / / /_/ (__  )
/____/_/ /_/_/ .___/____/

Easily stash snippets of text and invoke them when needed


npm install -g snips-cli


snips                           # with no arguments it will just list all your snips.
snips list                      # lists all your snips.
snips new <snip-name>           # create <snip-name> snip
snips edit <snip-name?>         # edit <snip-name> snip, fuzzy completion if snip-name is skipped
snips copy <snip-name?>         # Copies content of the snip to the clipboard, fuzzy completion if snip-name is skipped


Behind the scenes

All snips are stored in ~/.snips directory. You can play around with them to your hearts content without adversely affecting the functioning of snips.

snips looks for the $EDITOR global variable, and uses the defined $EDITOR.


I've refrained from reinventing the wheel and overloading snips with unnecessary features. Here are a couple of recipes that I find work well with snips.

Search Snippets

Use grep or ag.

grep <search-term> ~/.snips
ag <search-term> ~/.snips

Fuzzy Search snippet-names

copy and edit support fuzzy completion out of the box

snips copy
snips edit

Use snips in multiple machines

Backup .snips in git.


Non Goals


I've tried to mimic most of the features of sheets, and add a couple on top. While sheets is awesome, I didn't know ruby enough to directly hack on it.


MIT © Srijan R Shetty