

source{d} UI

Web UI for source{d} Community Edition (CE).


This repository contains the code for the srcd/sourced-ui docker image. This image is based on Apache Superset, and contains the following additions:

The image is designed to be deployed as two containers, one with SUPERSET_ENV=production and the other one with SUPERSET_ENV=celery. Take a look at the docker-compose.yml file in the src-d/sourced-ce repository for more details.

Environment Variables

You can configure the Docker image using the following environment variables:

Environment VariableDescription
ADMIN_LOGINUsername for the admin user
ADMIN_FIRST_NAMEFirst name of the admin user
ADMIN_LAST_NAMELast name of the admin user
ADMIN_EMAILEmail of the admin user
ADMIN_PASSWORDPassword of the admin user
BBLFSH_WEB_HOSTHostname for bblfsh-web
BBLFSH_WEB_PORTPort for bblfsh-web
GITBASE_HOSTHostname for Gitbase
GITBASE_PORTPort for Gitbase
GITBASE_DBDatabase name for Gitbase
GITBASE_USERUsername for Gitbase
GITBASE_PASSWORDPassword for Gitbase
POSTGRES_HOSTHostname for Superset DB
POSTGRES_PORTPort for Superset DB
POSTGRES_DBDatabase for Superset DB
POSTGRES_USERUsername for Superset DB
POSTGRES_PASSWORDPassword for Superset DB
REDIS_HOSTHostname for Redis
REDIS_PORTPort for Redis
SUPERSET_ENVEnvironment Superset runs in production/celery/development
SUPERSET_NO_INIT_DBDoes not run the database init script if set to true
SYNC_MODEAdds metadata datasource and welcome dashboard if set to true
METADATA_HOSTHostname for metadata DB (when SYNC_MODE is set to true)
METADATA_PORTPort for metadata DB (when SYNC_MODE is set to true)
METADATA_USERUsername for metadata DB (when SYNC_MODE is set to true)
METADATA_PASSWORDPassword for metadata DB (when SYNC_MODE is set to true)
METADATA_DBDatabase name for metadata (when SYNC_MODE is set to true)
OAUTH_PROVIDERUse OAuth provider for authorization. Currently only google
OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEYOAuth provider consumer key (aka client_id)
OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRETOAuth provider consumer secret (aka client_secret)
OAUTH_REGISTRATION_ROLEThe role for newly registered users using OAuth Admin/Alpha/Gamma

To see the differences between roles in OAUTH_REGISTRATION_ROLE variable consult official superset documentation.


Contributions are more than welcome. In the Contributing Guidelines you will find more info about how to contribute, build the ui, or run it for development with hot reloading.

Code of Conduct

All activities under source{d} projects are governed by the source{d} code of conduct.


Apache License Version 2.0, see LICENSE.