


Build Status Build status

Bare-bones Lua module that exposes a millisecond-precision sleep function

local sleep = require('sleep')

-- sleep for 1 second


With Luarocks:

luarocks install sleep


With Luarocks

To build with Luarocks, clone this repository and run the following command within it:

luarocks make

With CMake

To build with CMake, you'll need to install cmake and some C compiler. If you're compiling for Windows, you'll also need to have a Lua static library available that can be found by cmake (preferably built with the same compiler you're using to build sleep).

On Windows

Open a command line in the sleep directory and do the following:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --config Release

If needed, you can specify a generator by doing cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" .. instead of cmake ..

On Linux

From the sleep directory, do the following:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..