


A Sublime Text 3 Plugin for Java Development

JavatarDoc: https://javatar.readthedocs.org/<br > Report Issue: https://github.com/spywhere/Javatar/issues

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releasemaster (develop)

Javatar v2.0.0-prebeta.4

To install a prerelease version, please add Javatar to the install_prereleases list in the Package Control user's settings.

Prerelease version contains a new feature which will introduce in Javatar v2.0.0 but please keep in mind that prerelease version is not a stable build to use and not all features are fully working.

Please note that Javatar v1.0.0 settings are not compatible with Javatar v2.0.0 settings. Even though some settings remain the same.

For the development roadmap, please checkout DevelopersNote.md file in the Developers directory on the Javatar repository

What's new in Javatar v2.0.0-prebeta.4

[1]: Auto-completion feature is a really great feature to have on Javatar. However, due to the development time and the feature scope of auto-complete, Javatar cannot implement the auto-completion within the expected time frame. To simplified the words, the auto-completion feature is cancelled.

* Bold texts are changes from the previous release