


A natural language generation language, intended for creating training data for intent parsing systems.


Nalgene generates pairs of sentences and grammar trees by a random (or guided) walk through a grammar file.


$ python generate.py [template.nlg] [entry] [--key=value] ...

By default, generation walks through the template tree from the entry % node and chooses phrases and values randomly:

$ python generate.py examples/iot.nlg
> if the temperature in minnesota is equal to 2 then please turn the office light off thanks
( %if
    ( %condition
        ( %currentWeather
            ( $location minnesota ) )
        ( $operator equal to )
        ( $number 2 ) )
    ( %setDeviceState
        ( $device.name office light )
        ( $device.state off ) ) )

You can choose an entry point to start generation from:

$ python generate.py examples/iot.nlg getWeather
> tell me what it's like in new york
( %getWeather
    ( $location new york ) )

You can also supply values from the command line (unspecified values will be randomly chosen):

$ python generate.py examples/iot.nlg getWeather --location tokyo
> what is the weather in tokyo ?
( %getWeather
    ( $location tokyo ) )

Or from a JSON file:

$ cat command.json
{"entry": "%setDeviceState", "values": {"$device.state": "off", "$device.name": "office light"}}

$ cat command.json | python generate.py examples/iot.nlg
> please turn off the office light
( %setDeviceState
    ( $device.state off )
    ( $device.name office light ) )


A .nlg nalgene grammar file is a set of sections separated by a blank line. Every section takes this shape:

    token sequence 1
    token sequence 2

The indented lines under a node are the node's possible token sequences. Each token in a sequence is either

Each token is added to the output sentence and/or tree during generation, depending on the type.

A standard .nlg file starts with a start phrase %, which is the default entry point for the generator. The generator may also use a specific entry point.


A phrase (%phrase) is a general set of token sequences. A phrase is potentially recursive, using tokens which represent other phrases (even itself). Each phrase defines one or more possible sequences.

The regular words in a phrase are ignored in the output tree. This makes them useful for defining higher level grammar for the same intent - for example, for different word orders ("turn on the light" vs "turn the light on").

Using this grammar:

    %greeting and %farewell

    hey there


The generator might output:

> hey there and bye
( %
    ( %greeting )
    ( %farewell ) )

Basic generation walkthrough

Here's how the generator arrived at this specific sentence and tree pair:


Sometimes you need to capture the specific words in a sentence, for example to capture the location in a sentence like "how is the weather in boston". Values, marked with a dollar sign as $value, are a type of leaf node that capture the regular word tokens in the tree.

    what is the weather in $location
    how is the $location weather

    san francisco
> what is the weather in san francisco
( %getWeather
    ( $location san francisco ) )


TODO: Better name for this

As an alternative to the freeform $value, there is a @ref leaf node which references a specific value without capturing the words beneath it. This allows you to reference a specific entity, e.g. a specific room or device name, with multiple expansions.

    turn the %light on


    office light
    light in the office

    light in the den
    light in the living room
    living room light


Synonyms, marked ~synonym, are output only on the sentence side, and are useful for supplying word variations.

    ~exclamation this is ~so ~good



> wow this is extremely great
( %good )

Optional tokens

Tokens with a ? at the end will be used only 50% of the time.

    ~find $price? $food ~near $location
> find me sushi in san francisco
( %
    ( %findFood
        ( $food sushi )
        ( $location san francisco ) ) )

> tell me the cheap fried chicken around tokyo
( %
    ( %findFood
        ( $price cheap )
        ( $food fried chicken )
        ( $location tokyo ) ) )

Passthrough tokens

Tokens with a = at the end are called "passthrough" tokens and will not be included in the output tree, but their children will be. This is defined at the root level, rather than within a token sequence.

    ~please? %command


    what time is it
    what is the time


In this case, whenever the %command token is encountered, whatever its children output will be directly added to the tree (as opposed to prefixed with the %command token), so it will be output as %getTime or %getFact. But in fact %getFact is another passthrough token, so the value of its children will be passed all the way up the tree.

> what is the time
( %
    ( %getTime ) )

> pretty please what is the population of tokyo
( %
    ( %getLocationFact
        ( $location_fact population )
        ( $location tokyo ) ) )