

S3 plugins for Backstage

This repository contains a set of Backstage plugins for interacting with AWS S3 buckets.

The plugin provides:


Check the installation process for these plugins in the following links:

Deploying new releases ( internal )


It's also possible to test the s3-viewer plugin in an isolated mode. For that, you'll need to execute the following 2 commands:

    # From the root of the repository
    docker-compose -f demo/docker-compose.yaml up
    # Wait until the bucket is created and the files synced, then:
    yarn start

After executing these two commands, a new window in your browser will be opened and you will be able to use the s3-viewer frontend and backend plugins altogether. You should see a platform with a name test and a bucket inside called foobar. This bucket will contain the data from ./demo/examples inside.


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