

Spotify PostgreSQL Metrics

Service to extract and provide metrics on your PostgreSQL database.

This tool is a CLI (command line) tool that can be called to extract statistics and create metrics from your PostgreSQL database cluster. CLI is runnable in long running process mode, which will periodically send the gathered metrics forward.

The default metrics format is a Metrics 2.0 compatible JSON, which is created by a set of functions listed in the configuration file.

The extracted metrics can be printed out as direct output of the CLI tool, or sent out of the host the postgresql-metrics process is running in using FFWD.

The FFWD format is plain JSON sent over a UDP socket, so you can use whatever UDP socket endpoint, which understands JSON, to consume the metrics.


The versions mentioned below are tested to work, but the code should work on many unlisted versions as well. Just add an issue or send a pull-request with missing prerequisites, if you test and confirm postgresql-metrics to work on other versions of the mentioned technologies.

Building and Installing

You can build a Debian package by running the following in project root:

dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -b

Notice that postgresql-metrics includes by default a systemd service to run as long running process, pushing metrics to FFWD as gathered. You need to stop the long running process after installing the package for configuration.

sudo systemctl stop postgresql-metrics

If you want to debug the process. For the systemd service, you can run sudo journalctl -u postgresql-metrics to see the service's log.

Edit Configuration

Edit the configuration in /etc/postgresql-metrics/postgresql-metrics.yml and in /etc/postgresql-metrics/default/postgresql-metrics.yml. Notice that the configuration in the default folder will be overwritten value by value from the configuration in the configuration root.

If you are not interested in using the default configuration overwriting functionality, just delete one of the configurations mentioned above, and keep using a single configuration file.

Edit at least the values under postgres section in the configuration to match your PostgreSQL cluster setup. Remember also to list the databases you want to gather metrics from. By database in this context we mean a database name you created within your PostgreSQL cluster.

Prepare Database

Before starting to extract the defined metrics, you need to setup your database cluster using the prepare-db CLI call. This will create the required extensions for your database, and a few functions that are used by the statistics gathering queries from the metrics process. The configured metrics user will be also granted access to the created statistics functions and views.

You need to provide administrator user to the prepare-db call, which the tool is kind enough to ask. You don't need to provide credentials if you are running the prepare-db with a local user that is configured to be trusted locally by the PostgreSQL cluster (in pg_hba.conf), and is a super user, like the default postgres user created by some distribution packages (e.g. Debian). You can do the prepare-db call e.g. as follows:

sudo su -c "postgresql-metrics prepare-db" postgres

It is safe to call the prepare-db multiple times for the same database (the call is idempotent).

Grant Access for Metrics User

In addition to granting access to the statistics gathering functions and views within your PostgreSQL cluster (previous step), you need to also add access to the metrics user into the host based access file (pg_hba.conf).

Add one line per database you are monitoring into the end of the pg_hba.conf file for your cluster:

host my_database_name postgresql_metrics_user md5  # metrics user access

Replace the my_database_name and postgresql_metrics_user with the values you configured into the postgresql-metrics configuration in Edit Configuration step above.

You need to reload (or restart) your server after editing pg_hba.conf for the changes to take effect.

Getting Metrics

After you have the postgresql-metrics configured, and the database prepared, you can print out all the metrics that will be extracted from your database by calling:

postgresql-metrics all

You need to call the command above as a user that has access to the WAL log directory under PostgreSQL, or the metric gathering WAL file amounts will fail. Single failed metric calls will not prevent the rest of gathering process.

You can also start the long running process again, if using systemd:

sudo systemctl start postgresql-metrics

Explaining the Gathered Metrics

This section explains the metrics we gather using this tool.

Notice that there are many system specific metrics that you should gather in addition to the Postgres specific metrics, for example:

Database Specific Metrics

Called once per configured database inside your Postgres cluster.

Database Cluster (Global) Metrics

Called once per your Postgres cluster.

Short Overview of Python Modules

How to Add More Metrics

If you want to add more metrics into postgresql-metrics tool, you can do it by making the following changes to the source:

  1. If you gather the metric using a Postgres SQL query, add the code into postgres_queries.py, and if you gather the metric by accessing the local Postgres data directory, add the code into localhost_postgres_stats.py.

  2. Write a function for formatting your gathered metric values into wanted format, as is done in default_metrics.py. You can either expand the default metrics, or write your own format into another module.

  3. Write a function into metrics_gatherer.py, which will call the metric extraction functionality you wrote on the first step, and then the metric value formatting function you wrote on the previous step.

  4. Add the name of your metrics gatherer function, written in the previous step, into postgresql-metrics configuration file, with wanted time interval to call the metric gathering function. Notice that you need to add the function into the correct list of functions depending on whether you gather a metric that covers your whole database cluster, or a metric that targets a single database in your cluster. Data directory based metrics must be a 'global' metric.

  5. Update this README with explanation on what your new metric is about.