


JniHelpers is a library designed to facilitate writing JNI code with C++. It provides the following features:


The best examples for JniHelpers is the test suite itself. See the classes within src/test/cpp, they are documented and explain correct usage of the library.

What JniHelpers is NOT

JniHelpers is not SWIG. It does not attempt to automatically create wrappers around native code.

JniHelpers is also not a complete wrapper around JNI. It does not attempt to completely shield the programmer from all JNI calls. Rather, it just makes the trickiest parts of JNI a bit friendlier to work with.


JniHelpers contains both Java and C++ code, and is built with Gradle and CMake, respectively. To build JniHelpers as a static library, just run the following commands:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

The Java part of JniHelpers can now be built as a JAR file:

$ ./gradlew assemble

To use JniHelpers in your project, it is not necessary to build standalone artifacts. Rather, you can use this project as a submodule in your code and include the CMake/Gradle script from your project. This is the preferred method for using the library.

Building JniHelpers on Windows has not been tested and may not work. The project is known to build for desktop Linux, Mac OS X, and Android.


JniHelpers has test cases, which are implemented in JUnit. If you wish to submit a pull request to this project, please add tests for any new code or bugfixes, and make sure that the existing tests continue to pass before sending the request. Pull requests with failing tests will not be merged!

Unfortunately, there is not yet integration between the two Gradle and CMake build system, so one must run them independently to execute the tests (we aim to fix this in a future release so that Gradle can execute the CMake build on its own). First, one must build the C++ parts with CMake as detailed above in the "Building" section. After the JniHelpers libraries have been built, one can run the JUnit tests from the top-level project directory like so:

$ ./gradlew test

If all goes well, Gradle should report "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" and no other output. Any test failures will be reported to the command line.


JniHelpers is made available under the Apache 2.0 license. For more information, please see the LICENSE.txt file distributed with JniHelpers.