


Vector Quotient Filters: Overcoming the Time/Space Trade-Off in Filter Design

This work appeared at SIGMOD 2021. If you use this software please cite us:

  author    = {Prashant Pandey and
               Alex Conway and
               Joe Durie and
               Michael A. Bender and
               Martin Farach-Colton and
               Rob Johnson},
  title     = {Vector Quotient Filters: Overcoming the Time/Space Trade-Off in Filter Design},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 2021 ACM international conference on Management of Data},
  year      = {2021},


The VQF supports approximate membership testing of items in a data set. The VQF is based on Robin Hood hashing, like the quotient filter, but uses power-of-two-choices hashing to reduce the variance of runs, and thus offers consistent, high throughput across load factors. Power-of-two-choices hashing also makes it more amenable to concurrent updates.



This library depends on libssl.

The code uses AVX512 instructions to speed up operatons. However, there is also an alternate implementation based on AVX2.

 $ make main
 $ ./main 24

To build the code with thread-safe insertions:

 $ make THREAD=1 main_tx
 $ ./main_tx 24 4

The argument to main is the log of the number of slots in the VQF. For example, to create a VQF with 2^30 slots, the argument will be 30.


Contributions via GitHub pull requests are welcome.
