

A p2p backup system that uses encryption, deduplication, and trading storage with peers to allow for redundant backups.

This project is not working, progress is being made, if you want to contribute let me know.

Current progress has the following pieces working:

Create a config file like:

	"client": {
		"dirList": ["/tmp/bdr/input","."],
		"dataBaseName": "fsmeta.sql",
		"excludeList": [],
		"threads": 1, 
		"queue_blobs": "/tmp/bdr/output"

To run: $ go run main.go

This will:

Next to implement:

Idea on perf, backing up 9GB of 256MB files on a Ryzen 7900 (non-x):

  1 threads 9.00GB 446.11MB/sec in 20.66 seconds
  2 threads 9.00GB 857.20MB/sec in 10.75 seconds
  4 threads 9.00GB 1.62GB/sec in 5.56 seconds
  8 threads 9.00GB 2.85GB/sec in 3.16 seconds
 12 threads 9.00GB 4.42GB/sec in 2.04 seconds
 24 threads 9.00GB 5.71GB/sec in 1.58 seconds

So in with 24 threads in 1.58 seconds: