<div align="center"> <h3>dumpster-dip</h3> <a href=""> <img src="" /> </a> <!-- <a href=""> <img src="" /> </a> --> <div>wikipedia dump parser</div> <sub> by <a href="">Spencer Kelly</a>, <a href="">Devrim Yasar</a>, and <a href=""> others </a> </sub> <div> <img height="50px" src=""/> </div> </div> <p></p> <!-- spacer --> <img height="25px" src=""/>The data exports from wikimedia, arguably the world's most-important datasets, exist as <a href="">huge xml files</a>, in a notorious markup format.
<b>dumpster-dip</b> can flip this dataset into individual <b>json</b> or <b>text</b> files.
<div align="right"> <i>Sister-project <b><a href="">dumpster-dive</a></b> puts this data into mongodb, instead <br/> use whatever you prefer!</i> <p></p> Both projects use <a href="">wtf_wikipedia</a> as a parser. </div> <!-- spacer --> <img height="25px" src=""/>Command-Line
the easiest way to get started is to simply run:
npx dumpster-dip
which is a wild, no-install, no-dependency way to get going.
Follow the prompts, and this will download, unzip, and parse any-language wikipedia, into a selected format.
<!-- spacer --> <img height="25px" src=""/>The optional params are:
--lang fr # do the french wikipedia
--output encyclopedia # add all 'E' pages to ./E/
--text # return plaintext instead of json
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Also available to be used as a powerful javascript library:
npm install dumpster-dip
import dumpster from 'dumpster-dip' // or require('dumpster-dip')
await dumpster({ file: './enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml' }) // 😅
This will require you to download and unzip a dump yourself. Instructions below. Depending on the language, it may take a couple hours.
<b>1. Download</b> a dump <br/>
cruise the <a href="">wikipedia dump page</a> and look for ${LANG}wiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2
bzip2 -d ./enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2
import dip from 'dumpster-dip'
const opts = {
input: './enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml',
parse: function (doc) {
return doc.sentences()[0].text() // return the first sentence of each page
dip(opts).then(() => {
en-wikipedia takes about 4hrs on a macbook. See expected article counts here
file: './enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml', // path to unzipped dump file relative to cwd
outputDir: './dip', // directory for all our new file(s)
outputMode: 'nested', // how we should write the results
// define how many concurrent workers to run
workers: cpuCount, // default is cpu count
//interval to log status
heartbeat: 5000, //every 5 seconds
// which wikipedia namespaces to handle (null will do all)
namespace: 0, //(default article namespace)
// parse redirects, too
redirects: false,
// parse disambiguation pages, too
disambiguation: true,
// allow a custom wtf_wikipedia parsing library
libPath: 'wtf_wikipedia',
// should we skip this page or return something?
doPage: function (doc) {
return true
// what do return, for every page
//- avoid using an arrow-function
parse: function (doc) {
return doc.json()
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Output formats:
dumpster-dip comes with 4 output formats:
- 'flat' - all files in 1 directory
- 'encyclopedia' - all
pages in./e
- 'encyclopedia-two' - all
pages in./ed
- 'hash' (default) - 2 evenly-distributed directories
- 'ndjson' - all data in one file
Sometimes operating systems don't like having ~6m files in one folder - so these options allow different nesting structures:
to put files in folders indexed by their first letter, do:
let opts = {
outputDir: './results',
outputMode: 'encyclopedia'
Remember, some directories become way larger than others. Also remember that titles are UTF-8.
For two-letter folders, use outputMode: 'encyclopedia-two'
Hash (default)
This format nests each file 2-deep, using the first 4 characters of the filename's hash:
Although these directory names are meaningless, the advantage of this format is that files will be distributed evenly, instead of piling-up in the 'E' directory.
This is the same scheme that wikipedia does internally.
as a helper, this library exposes a function for navigating this directory scheme:
import getPath from 'dumpster-dip/nested-path'
let file = getPath('Dennis Rodman')
// ./BE/EF/Dennis_Rodman.txt
if you want all files in one flat directory, you can cross your fingers and do:
let opts = {
outputDir: './results',
outputMode: 'flat'
You may want all results in one newline-delimited file. Using this format, you can produce TSV or CSV files:
let opts = {
outputDir: './results',
outputMode: 'ndjson',
parse: function (doc) {
return [doc.title(), doc.text().length].join('\t')
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Wikipedia is often a complicated place. Getting specific data may require some investigation, and experimentation:
See runnable examples in ./examples
Birthdays of basketball players
Process only the 13,000 pages with the category American men's basketball players
await dip({
input: `./enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml`,
doPage: function (doc) {
return doc.categories().find((cat) => cat === `American men's basketball players`)
parse: function (doc) {
return doc.infobox().get('birth_date')
Film Budgets
Look for pages with the Film infobox and grab some properties:
await dip({
input: `./enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml`,
outputMode: 'encyclopedia',
doPage: function (doc) {
// look for anything with a 'Film' 'infobox
return doc.infobox() && doc.infobox().type() === 'film'
parse: function (doc) {
let inf = doc.infobox()
// pluck some values from its infobox
return {
title: doc.title(),
budget: inf.get('budget'),
gross: inf.get('gross')
Talk Pages
Talk pages are not found in the normal 'latest-pages-articles.xml' dump. Instead, you must download the larger 'latest-pages-meta-current.xml' dump. To process only Talk pages, set 'namespace' to 1.
const opts = {
input: `./enwiki-latest-pages-meta-current.xml`,
namespace: 1, // do talk pages only
parse: function (doc) {
return doc.text() //return their text
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Given the parse
callback, you're free to return anything you'd like.
One of the charms of wtf_wikipedia is its plugin system, which allows users to add any new features.
Here we apply a custom plugin to our wtf lib, and pass it in to be available each worker:
in ./myLib.js
import wtf from 'wtf_wikipedia'
// add custom analysis as a plugin
wtf.plugin((models, templates) => {
// add a new method
models.Doc.prototype.firstSentence = function () {
return this.sentences()[0].text()
// support a missing plugin
templates.pingponggame = function (tmpl, list) {
let arr = tmpl.split('|')
return arr[1] + ' to ' + arr[2]
export default wtf
then we can pass this version into dumpster-dip:
import dip from 'dumpster-dip'
input: '/path/to/dump.xml',
libPath: './myLib.js', // our version (relative to cwd)
parse: function (doc) {
return doc.firstSentence() // use custom method
See the plugins available, such as the NHL season parser, the nsfw tagger, or a parser for disambiguation pages.
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We are commited to making this library into a great tool for parsing mediawiki projects.
Prs welcomed and respected.