


Demo data pipeline with dbt, Airflow, Great Expectations.

See another possible architecture for this at https://github.com/astronomer/airflow-dbt-demo

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How to run

This repo contains a runnable demo using Astronomer (containerized Airflow), which is a convenient option to run everything in a Docker container.

You can also run the DAG in this repo with a standard Airflow installation if you want. You'll have to install the relevant dependencies (Airflow, dbt, Great Expectations, the respective operators, etc) and probably handle some more configurations to get it to work.


In order to develop the dbt DAG and Great Expectations locally instead of in the containers (for faster dev loops), I created a new virtual environment with and installed relevant packages wit pip install -r requirements.txt

dbt setup

Great Expectations setup

Airflow DAG setup

Serving dbt and Great Expectations docs

Additional resources

This repo is based on several existing resources: