

SimpleMDE - Markdown Editor

A drop-in JavaScript textarea replacement for writing beautiful and understandable Markdown. The WYSIWYG-esque editor allows users who may be less experienced with Markdown to use familiar toolbar buttons and shortcuts. In addition, the syntax is rendered while editing to clearly show the expected result. Headings are larger, emphasized words are italicized, links are underlined, etc. SimpleMDE is one of the first editors to feature both built-in autosaving and spell checking.



Why not a WYSIWYG editor or pure Markdown?

WYSIWYG editors that produce HTML are often complex and buggy. Markdown solves this problem in many ways, plus Markdown can be rendered natively on more platforms than HTML. However, Markdown is not a syntax that an average user will be familiar with, nor is it visually clear while editing. In otherwords, for an unfamiliar user, the syntax they write will make little sense until they click the preview button. SimpleMDE has been designed to bridge this gap for non-technical users who are less familiar with or just learning Markdown syntax.


Via npm.

npm install simplemde --save

Via bower.

bower install simplemde --save

Via jsDelivr. Please note, jsDelivr may take a few days to update to the latest release.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/simplemde/latest/simplemde.min.css">
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/simplemde/latest/simplemde.min.js"></script>

Quick start

After installing, load SimpleMDE on the first textarea on a page

var simplemde = new SimpleMDE();

Using a specific textarea

Pure JavaScript method

var simplemde = new SimpleMDE({ element: document.getElementById("MyID") });

jQuery method

var simplemde = new SimpleMDE({ element: $("#MyID")[0] });

Get/set the content

simplemde.value("This text will appear in the editor");


// Most options demonstrate the non-default behavior
var simplemde = new SimpleMDE({
	autofocus: true,
	autosave: {
		enabled: true,
		uniqueId: "MyUniqueID",
		delay: 1000,
	blockStyles: {
		bold: "__",
		italic: "_"
	element: document.getElementById("MyID"),
	forceSync: true,
	hideIcons: ["guide", "heading"],
	indentWithTabs: false,
	initialValue: "Hello world!",
	insertTexts: {
		horizontalRule: ["", "\n\n-----\n\n"],
		image: ["![](http://", ")"],
		link: ["[", "](http://)"],
		table: ["", "\n\n| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |\n| -------- | -------- | -------- |\n| Text     | Text      | Text     |\n\n"],
	lineWrapping: false,
	parsingConfig: {
		allowAtxHeaderWithoutSpace: true,
		strikethrough: false,
		underscoresBreakWords: true,
	placeholder: "Type here...",
	previewRender: function(plainText) {
		return customMarkdownParser(plainText); // Returns HTML from a custom parser
	previewRender: function(plainText, preview) { // Async method
			preview.innerHTML = customMarkdownParser(plainText);
		}, 250);

		return "Loading...";
	promptURLs: true,
	renderingConfig: {
		singleLineBreaks: false,
		codeSyntaxHighlighting: true,
	shortcuts: {
		drawTable: "Cmd-Alt-T"
	showIcons: ["code", "table"],
	spellChecker: false,
	status: false,
	status: ["autosave", "lines", "words", "cursor"], // Optional usage
	status: ["autosave", "lines", "words", "cursor", {
		className: "keystrokes",
		defaultValue: function(el) {
			this.keystrokes = 0;
			el.innerHTML = "0 Keystrokes";
		onUpdate: function(el) {
			el.innerHTML = ++this.keystrokes + " Keystrokes";
	}], // Another optional usage, with a custom status bar item that counts keystrokes
	styleSelectedText: false,
	tabSize: 4,
	toolbar: false,
	toolbarTips: false,

Toolbar icons

Below are the built-in toolbar icons (only some of which are enabled by default), which can be reorganized however you like. "Name" is the name of the icon, referenced in the JS. "Action" is either a function or a URL to open. "Class" is the class given to the icon. "Tooltip" is the small tooltip that appears via the title="" attribute. Note that shortcut hints are added automatically and reflect the specified action if it has a keybind assigned to it (i.e. with the value of action set to bold and that of tooltip set to Bold, the final text the user will see would be "Bold (Ctrl-B)").

Additionally, you can add a separator between any icons by adding "|" to the toolbar array.

boldtoggleBoldBold<br>fa fa-bold
italictoggleItalicItalic<br>fa fa-italic
strikethroughtoggleStrikethroughStrikethrough<br>fa fa-strikethrough
headingtoggleHeadingSmallerHeading<br>fa fa-header
heading-smallertoggleHeadingSmallerSmaller Heading<br>fa fa-header
heading-biggertoggleHeadingBiggerBigger Heading<br>fa fa-lg fa-header
heading-1toggleHeading1Big Heading<br>fa fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-1
heading-2toggleHeading2Medium Heading<br>fa fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-2
heading-3toggleHeading3Small Heading<br>fa fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-3
codetoggleCodeBlockCode<br>fa fa-code
quotetoggleBlockquoteQuote<br>fa fa-quote-left
unordered-listtoggleUnorderedListGeneric List<br>fa fa-list-ul
ordered-listtoggleOrderedListNumbered List<br>fa fa-list-ol
clean-blockcleanBlockClean block<br>fa fa-eraser fa-clean-block
linkdrawLinkCreate Link<br>fa fa-link
imagedrawImageInsert Image<br>fa fa-picture-o
tabledrawTableInsert Table<br>fa fa-table
horizontal-ruledrawHorizontalRuleInsert Horizontal Line<br>fa fa-minus
previewtogglePreviewToggle Preview<br>fa fa-eye no-disable
side-by-sidetoggleSideBySideToggle Side by Side<br>fa fa-columns no-disable no-mobile
fullscreentoggleFullScreenToggle Fullscreen<br>fa fa-arrows-alt no-disable no-mobile
guideThis linkMarkdown Guide<br>fa fa-question-circle

Customize the toolbar using the toolbar option like:

// Customize only the order of existing buttons
var simplemde = new SimpleMDE({
	toolbar: ["bold", "italic", "heading", "|", "quote"],

// Customize all information and/or add your own icons
var simplemde = new SimpleMDE({
	toolbar: [{
			name: "bold",
			action: SimpleMDE.toggleBold,
			className: "fa fa-bold",
			title: "Bold",
			name: "custom",
			action: function customFunction(editor){
				// Add your own code
			className: "fa fa-star",
			title: "Custom Button",
		"|", // Separator

Keyboard shortcuts

SimpleMDE comes with an array of predefined keyboard shortcuts, but they can be altered with a configuration option. The list of default ones is as follows:


Here is how you can change a few, while leaving others untouched:

var simplemde = new SimpleMDE({
	shortcuts: {
		"toggleOrderedList": "Ctrl-Alt-K", // alter the shortcut for toggleOrderedList
		"toggleCodeBlock": null, // unbind Ctrl-Alt-C
		"drawTable": "Cmd-Alt-T" // bind Cmd-Alt-T to drawTable action, which doesn't come with a default shortcut

Shortcuts are automatically converted between platforms. If you define a shortcut as "Cmd-B", on PC that shortcut will be changed to "Ctrl-B". Conversely, a shortcut defined as "Ctrl-B" will become "Cmd-B" for Mac users.

The list of actions that can be bound is the same as the list of built-in actions available for toolbar buttons.


To change the minimum height (before it starts auto-growing):

.CodeMirror, .CodeMirror-scroll {
	min-height: 200px;

Or, you can keep the height static:

.CodeMirror {
	height: 300px;

Event handling

You can catch the following list of events: https://codemirror.net/doc/manual.html#events

var simplemde = new SimpleMDE();
simplemde.codemirror.on("change", function(){

Removing SimpleMDE from textarea

You can revert to the initial textarea by calling the toTextArea method. Note that this clears up the autosave (if enabled) associated with it. The textarea will retain any text from the destroyed SimpleMDE instance.

var simplemde = new SimpleMDE();
simplemde = null;

Useful methods

The following self-explanatory methods may be of use while developing with SimpleMDE.

var simplemde = new SimpleMDE();
simplemde.isPreviewActive(); // returns boolean
simplemde.isSideBySideActive(); // returns boolean
simplemde.isFullscreenActive(); // returns boolean
simplemde.clearAutosavedValue(); // no returned value

How it works

SimpleMDE began as an improvement of lepture's Editor project, but has now taken on an identity of its own. It is bundled with CodeMirror and depends on Font Awesome.

CodeMirror is the backbone of the project and parses much of the Markdown syntax as it's being written. This allows us to add styles to the Markdown that's being written. Additionally, a toolbar and status bar have been added to the top and bottom, respectively. Previews are rendered by Marked using GFM.