

SparkFun Photodetector Breakout - MAX30101 (Qwiic)

SparkFun Photodetector Breakout - MAX30101)

SparkFun Photodetector Breakout - MAX30101 (Qwiic) (SEN-16474)

This updated version of the SparkFun Particle Sensor Breakout includes the MAX30101, a highly sensitive optical sensor and successor to the MAX30105 and MAX30102. The MAX30101 includes three LEDs and an optical detector in a single package. The operating principle behind the sensor, utilizes the photon detector to measure the amount of light that is reflected back from the light being emitted by the LEDs. This is useful for various applications like particle (i.e. smoke) detection, proximity measurements, and even photoplethysmography. For more accurate and reliable biometric readings, we recommend the SparkFun Pulse Oximeter and Heart Rate Sensor, which utilizes proprietary algorithms programmed on the MAX32664 Biometric Sensor Hub.

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