

<h1 align="center"> <a href="https://spacemesh.io"><img width="400" src="https://spacemesh.io/content/images/2019/05/black_logo_hp.png" alt="Spacemesh logo" /></a>  <p align="center">Smapp - the Spacemesh App 🏦📊</p> <p align="center">Smesher UI + Wallet</p> </h1> <p align="center"> <a href="https://gitcoin.co/profile/spacemeshos" title="Push Open Source Forward"> <img src="https://gitcoin.co/static/v2/images/promo_buttons/slice_02.png" width="267px" height="52px" alt="Browse Gitcoin Bounties"/> </a> </p>

This repo includes the source code for the Spacemesh App. A desktop application for Windows 10, OS X and Linux which includes a Smesher and a basic wallet. The main artifects of this repo are the app and an app installer for all supported platforms.

Spacemesh 0.1 Release Milestone - WIP

We are currently finalizing the App and the installer - the artifacts of this repo for the Open Testnet Release. The best resource to understand the app functionality and capabilities is our Spacemesh Testnet Guide.

MVP1 Milestone (Complete)