

Interactive RDP triangle demo

This simple Nintendo 64 demo allows experimenting with the RDP triangle rasterizer and its weird command format using a normal N64 controller. In addition to displaying the triangle itself and the parameter values, each individual parameter is visualized by colored lines that delineate the triangle shape. With this you should be able to create some pretty funny shapes and maybe even develop an intuitive understanding of how the RDP triangle parameters work, who knows?

Controls and usage

LSwitch to previous variable
RSwitch to next variable
D ◀︎Decrease current variable
D ▶︎Increase current variable
AInvert left/right major
BFlip triangle horizontally

The variables are cycled in the order YL, YM, YH, XL, XM, XH, DxLDy, DxMDy, DxHDy. The slope variables (DxLDy, DxMDy and DxHDy) change by steps of 0.125 while the positional variables change by steps of 1.


Install a mips64-elf GNU toolchain and the libdragon library into the folder pointed at by the N64_INST environment variable and run make.